Report time. <p>
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Grading for the IGs are done. We're compiling score lists. Medals and Seals should be out relatively soon. There was a lot of effort put forth by quite a few people for this event, and it was cool to see what people can come up with to describe an event that happened long before they joined.<p>
But I do have to say this: One member said in one of his entries that the real reason so many look back at the Exodus with fond memories is not because we left the Hammer, but because of the Sense of unity we all had, across orders and across clans to get the job done, to move in the same direction. And that with the recent lack of an external bogeyman, it's easy to fall back into the trap of fighting ourselves and effectively wrecking what progress we could be making with petty arguments and other silly garbage.<p>
I guess it struck home for me. Maybe it'll do the same for you.<p>
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Project progress:
Character image generator is at about 2500 renders done already. Still a good long way to go, though. <p> Uber-customization project is at about 210 renders. Again, a good long way to go.<p> Other Super Secret Projects are still on par for my own goals. <p>
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New Force Unleashed Trailer that explains a bit more of the storyline, and has a minor spoiler about the main character.<p>
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Clone Wars TV show/Movie Trailer Nomm nomm nomm. The film is essentially a pilot for the Show, which should be out around the same time in August. Still no word on the Live action TV show, though.<p>
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We've known for a while that the new SoulCalibur game will have some Star Wars secret characters. You get Vader on the PS3 and Yoda on the 360. But both of them will have the Secret Apprentice in them. Which Wins Hard.<p>
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There is another thing that I want to address. It's a pretty simple concept, really, but one that i feel is terribly important, and very necessary for the new members to take to heart as well as the veterans.<p>
Leadership is Action, not Position.<p>
All too often, I have seen good members grow disenfranchised with improving the club, with trying to work towards making some aspect of the club better simply because they don't have that Aedile job, that PCON slot, that DC position. It's really a shame that people get into this trap. Because frankly, it hurts the club, and slows your own progress.
Sarin and I are huge fans of seeing someone take initiative and get stuff done, regardless of their rank and position. The DC has stereotypically been that way, all rumors aside. We love it when people show up and ask to help. There's a lot to be done, and there's only a few people that we can really rely on... and if we find another person that we can rely on and who can help us get things done... well, those people find themselves in the 'right place and the right time' for promotions and positions...even more so, because often, the people who are doing it that way aren't doing the work just to get promoted.
Now, I hear a bunch of you out there breathing heavily about how they get disenfranchised because they come to Sarin and I, or another DCer with your own pet idea and got it kicked back to them because it wasn't compatable with our current system, or even the current vision for the club. Yeah, it happens. We do have to look at proposals and think about how they might work with all of the other considerations that the club needs . But the ideas help... the Proposals help us to look at things a bit differently. And while there are a lot of people with 'grand plans for Xxxx' in the brotherhood... but those ideas have to all work well with everything else we do. So maybe those plans need tweaking, or a lot more work to make it happen.
Which is the next point. There are a lot of people who have huge ideas that are pretty snazzy. But they don't understand the manpower necessary to execute them. And further, very often those 'idea-men' expect that they can just issue the idea and have us scurry forth and execute their grand schemes in their name. Sorry, but that ain't usually how it goes. People tend to inject a lot of themselves into their work.... and those who don't really want to do the work often find their ideas shuffled back to the bottom of the deck. which is why the people who are willing to execute their own plans often get the leeway to do it. There's a few people in the brotherhood who are like that. It's not a bad thing to aspire to.
So yeah, instead of giving up and tossing your willingness to work, and your ideas out the window because you don't have the job, try sending a message to the guy who's job it would be and offering to help. Instead of getting bitter, get together with the dude and help them out. Establish yourself as one of those guys who gets things done, and you'll get a good reputation. <p>
Start acting like a leader and you'll become one, regardless of what your dossier says.<p>
And that's my rant for this report.
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if you have a wall in your house like this...seek help, even if you are in good company. :P</p><p>
You too can make your own astromech droid with this handy dandy woodcarker's kit!</p><p>
and if there is no room upon the hill/and if your head explodes with dark forebodings too...</p><p>
Is Darth Vader gonna have to choke a b****?</p><p>
This report's SW hottie was submitted by a member. Very nice. Much better than the sick 'Padme on Yoda' action some pervert sent me.</p><p>
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Congrats and thanks go to:
Tron for his work as T:Wiki, and to RevengeX for following in his footsteps.<p>
Vorion who earned his saber.<p>
Dock Alfar and Legorii for their Anteian Crosses.<p>
Theron Mar for their Dark Cross<p>
Shan Long for his Steel Cross<p>
Zaroth for his Dark Cross<p>
Teu and Vexatus for their Dark Crosses.<p>
Well done, all around.
And that's all for this time. If you guys have any questions, or need any help, shoot me an email, or PM me on IRC. Have fun!
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I want that astromech droid! It sorta looks like it's part keg, part droid.
Much better than the sick 'Padme on Yoda' action some pervert sent me. <-- djbmalidir@gmail.com
Light weights.
Malidir your sick :p
Rule 34 prevails!
I am always able and willing to partake in any projects. I've offered my services countless times but rarely have I been taken up on my offer. So that everyone knows, I thought I'd make a post here. I'm no longer here for medals or promotions (have nearly all I'm able to access) but am here for Arcona primarily and the development and growth of the DB.
If you need any help with any projects, do not hesitate to ask.
Hmm...just one wall for star wars stuff? I know a guy who bought a house so he could have a whole room for his collection. Last time I saw it you could barely get into the doorway and when you did get in you had to duck cause he has stuff hanging from the ceiling. He said he wasn't done either....
i wish i had that much star wars stuff.