Hello! In case you had not noticed, I am your new Wiki Tribune. Yay?
I am RevengeX Palpatine, and I have been a member of Clan Scholae Palatinae throughout my Dark Jedi Brotherhood career, which spans about four years and eight months. (I am not a spy.) I have held various positions in Scholae Palatinae, from Tetrarch to Quaestor, and I have also held various Dark Council/Summit auxiliary positions, including Fiction Staff Member and Magistrate to the Seneschal. I am currently Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco and have been for about one year and eight months (I think that's a Brotherhood record). I will try to make sure that these positions do not conflict.
Due to inevitable "real-life" conflicts, I will only be able to hold this position for a maximum of six months. When it gets to that time, I will choose a successor, but I intend to stay on the sidelines.
1) Increase communication within the staff. Although most of you probably didn't notice, the staff members basically did their own thing with minimal direction from the Tribune. In order to consolidate my power (read: coordinate the staff's efforts), I will be making wider use of a Wiki Staff mailing list.
2) Fairuse image audit. This is one of Tron's ideas. The idea is to go through every image that has a _ { {fairuse}}_ tag and make sure that it is also categorized in one of the Image Categories. This will involve the membership, so look for more details later in the month.
3) User audit. One of the duties of the Wiki Tribune, according to the "Wiki Tribune" article is: "Moderates all accounts for adhering to procedure, ensuring that members use their DJB names as their Wiki User Names". I intend to do this.
4) Clear the Dead-end pages list. Tron worked incessantly on clearing the "Wanted categories" and "Wanted pages" lists, so I want to clear the "Dead-end pages" list. A "dead-end" page is one that does not have any internal links, meaning that it does not link to any other page in the Wiki. Feel free to go ahead and add links to these pages. I like members taking the initiative.
5) More competitions. I like Crescents, you like Crescents, and I like ice cream. (Breyer's is my favorite brand. What's yours?) I hope to create a few small competitions throughout my tenure as Wiki Tribune in order to 1) create more interest in the Wiki, 2) appeal to people who love the Wiki, and 3) get members more involved in the Wiki's development.
6) Weed the staff and get more new blood. The Wiki Staff, excluding myself and Sarin (he gets to be excluded because he smells bad), stands at eight members. I haven't seen some of the staff members use the Wiki recently, so I will be contacting those members shortly and ask them if they would like to stay or be removed. If a staff member is removed, I may need a new staff member to replace him/her, so watch out for a notice that says that I need applications.
That's all I can think of this morning... I'll scoop up some more and put them in my next report. If you have any ideas, feel free to shoot me an email or catch me on IRC.
3491 Krath Pontifex RevengeX Palpatine
6381 Grand Master Sarin
43 Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir
153 Dark Jedi Master Astronicus Aurelius Sadow
3728 Dark Side Adept Korras Tarentae
2706 Obelisk Primarch Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
5580 Sith Warlord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar
3944 Sith Warlord Robert Atema Sadow
5951 Krath Epis Impetus Korin-M'Nar Palpatine
3839 Obelisk Templar Dessan
I'll close this report with a very informative list that my predecessor put together. New members, please read this list!
Top Ten Wiki Reminders (Stolen from Tron)
I have a lot of ideas for the Wiki, and I'm sure that some of you do too. That is why I always encourage people to seek me out, tap my shoulder, and then tell me about their questions, suggestions, concerns, the mysterious events that occurred in your life today, or what have you. (Just kidding... I don't want to know your life story.)
Have a great week.
KPN RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP-T:W-M:SCL/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: JUD]
SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoH / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-3R-13A-21S-23E-10T-10Q / PoB-AuL / CF-SpF / DSS-AgL / SI-BL / SoF-AuL / SoL-TC / LS-EL / S:-4Al-9C-17D-6Do-6Dk-17P
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i would have to say gold medal ribbon or chocolate peanut butter
Ben and Jerry's. Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream. :D