The Orian Uprising
RSD Final Way
Sepros Orbit
"Rebellion?" Ashia snarled, her lip going up in disgust.
A murmur rose from the front of the bridge, a couple of technicians standing confused. Ashia spun on her heel to address them as her mind sorted things out. "What?"
Stammering, one of the technicians paled and stepped forward. "My Lady, several of our escape pods just launched."
"Whatever for?" Ashia snapped, impatience flavoring her words.
"I will find out, ma'am..."
Launch Bay 3
RSD Final Way
Sepros Orbit
"Pilot, you are not authorized for launch. Repeat, not authorized for launch. Power down your engines and report to the Bridge." The communicator switch was flipped off as the darksider targeted the bay doors with his ship's guns. It was time to pay for that favor.
The blasters tore through the bay doors, letting the blue planet of Sepros hanging in view. The deceiver smiled, wondering if the Arconan credits had been transferred yet. He flipped open the navcomp interface, eyes reflecting the blue light back onto the cockpit as he plotted a course for Aeotheran, and then to the rendezvous point.
This would not be easy, but then again, he wouldn't be getting paid as much if it was.
RSD Final Way
Sepros Orbit
Sai cursed as he walked through the bridge doors, his eyes falling on Ashia and the Overlord, talking with Alector, Faeril, Macron and Xander. He hated being called to the meeting later, but the consul's command for an immediate roll call took precedence.
And what he found troubled him.
Ashia turned to the Korun. "What news?"
"Ashia...we've lost so many..." Sai handed her a datapad, the list of names scrolling before her gaze. Tron looked over her shoulder, his mind seeking out, following the trail, sensing what the betrayers have done.
"Faeril, what word from Aeotheran?" Ashia mumbled, her mind trying to dissect the issue.
"Seng Karash is under seige... Some say that it's other Force Users... the refugees have been taking advantage of our hospitality." Faeril said the words calmly, hiding her emotion. She didn't seem to want to believe that those who treated her as friendly as they did had really betrayed them.
Tron pounded his fist on his chair. "I knew that we should have never gone to their aid. We should have left them to their deaths."
Ashia looked to each of them, formulating the plan. "Scramble those we have left. Move in big teams. Expell them all, and seal our borders. We pull away from the Arconan ships, we stand away from them all. We leave them no opening for abuse. Any found that are not of our clan will be...incarcerated."
Macron cackled through the speaker of his helmet.
"What about the defectors?" Alector spoke quietly.
"I'm guessing that the Arconans bought them off." Sai spat.
Tron nodded. "If that's the case, then they also are to be hunted."
The ship rocked with explosion as the pair of fighters blasted their way from the docking bays, their ships snapping away from the Final Way as the alarm claxons sounded.
Ashia's eyes narrowed. There would be a reckoning.
The first two comps to run in this event will begin in the next day or two pending approval from the MAA. More will be released the following week and so on.
This is a fictional event and meant to be considered as much. Medals will be plentiful, so watch your email and check the comps listing for more updates.
*DB News *
Junes Journeymen Comp -
This comp was designed with Journeymen in mind. This is a great chance to earn some medals which will help you reach that next rank all that faster. The link to this comp is here clicky! Make sure to copy your house summit leaders and masters with your entries so you also get credit for submitting too.
Start acting like a leader and you'll become one, regardless of what your dossier says.
This was the premise behind the DGMs rant in his recent report. I wanted to bring this to your attention as this affects all of us. Not just those that have been in this club for years.
Very often we see people who apply for a battle team leader position or Aedile or Quaestor position, stating they want to better the clan, but they dont do much with the position once they get it. In the same respect, we have people who want these positions and for one reason or another dont get them and they become very disgruntled.
What I want you to remember is you dont have to hold a position, to be a leader. If you have an idea for your clan or house, bring it to your summit leaders. We are more then happy to try new things and allow members of CNS work on their own projects. The Disciples of Ragnos is a perfect example of this as Ashura had several Journeymen that held no position bring their ideas for this to the table and help build it into something solid.
Please read Muzs statements on this in his report here: DGM Report
Merit Medals
Shan Long has received a Steel Cross
Darth Vexatus (aka Goat) has received a Dark Cross
Teu has received a Dark Cross
Zaroth Kalikrayye has received a Dark Cross
Khotaro Fumai (aka Fenris) has received a Dark Cross
Congratulations to everyone!
Closing Remarks
Recently, another clan has used some unsavory practices in obtaining members from other clans, ours included. While there is nothing illegal about this, the method for which this has occurred is not something the leaders of CNS condone or participate in.
Any member of the DB that wishes to transfer to CNS does so of their own accord and if there are problems in the clan they are currently in, we try our best to help rectify that problem instead of stealing them away.
For example, we recently had a situation with a member of another clan that approached Ashura. I would like to publicly commend him as he promptly emailed that clans Consul along with myself and Tron explaining what he had been told. The problem was a minor one and was quickly corrected on that clans end resulting in a happier member.
Thats what its all about as we are all here to have fun. CNS is a family, one we all take part in. We love each other, we cry with each other, we even argue, but in the end, we are family and that is what has made this clan strong.
I highly encourage you to talk to your summit leaders if you have any problems. We want you to enjoy being here and have fun. If something is making you unhappy, then please tell us. We are here to help.
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