Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dark Greetings, Everyone!

This report is going to be a little different than usual. First, I'd like to say you'll be having to put up with me more again! \o/ I actually have a few topics I want to discuss, but I think I may do it in sections so I don't have one huge long ass report for everyone to read through! lol You have yet to see my long rants, but you can ask a few members who have known me for several years, I'm pretty good at them. :p

Recruitment Concerns

Ashia touched on some of this in her report. I will say though not illegal, I do not agree with some of the practices going on for recruitment outside of our Clan. I personally find them underhanded and shady and that is my personal opinion. I am disappointed that some members would go to this level and it has made me lose a lot of respect for those involved. There are ways to recruit without going to the levels that I've seen recently. I should know, I'm working on recruiting more members, but doing it the right way!

It is within a member's right to transfer if they want to and I agree and will support my members if they choose to do so. As I told a member recently, I want to see the best for you and will support your choice, but also take the time to think on them and be sure you are making these choices for the right reasons, make sure it's what you want.

If you are approached by another member about transferring and it makes you feel uncomfortable, please come to me or Mac. You shouldn't be put on the spot that way. It's one thing if you are considering transferring and talking about it with another member, but something else entirely if there are promises made or coercion. From what I've gathered, this has been the case with at least one or two members and I personally will not tolerate it.

If any member has concerns they should come to their House and/or Clan Summit. Meaning if you feel that things need to be changed, have suggestions or have any concerns whatsoever, don't be afraid to come to us, that's what we are here for! I always have an open ear and I am willing to help where I can and to deal with any issues or concerns you may have.

If we don't know how you feel, how can we do anything to change the situation? Running from a problem, not dealing with it or not letting someone know about it usually won't solve it. It's better to address it head on. I want our members to be happy. I want them to enjoy their time here and feel they are making a difference.

Leadership & Clan Contributions

I know some of you worry that if you aren't in a position you can't contribute and that's not true! The Summit makes note of all your contributions and we are working on making sure you are recognized more often for it. I have told a few members this and I still hold to it that we should strive to work together and focus on our relationships with other members of the Clan, to try to get to know one another more and not be so wrapped up in having a title next to our name.

_It's not the title that earns you respect and recognition, it's your actions! _

I see Clan Naga Sadow as my family and like any family we will have our ups and downs. All Clans have their ups and downs, all online communities, organizations and clubs, but sometimes that's what draws us closer and makes us work together and create tighter bonds.

When you want something, do you just give up and look for the easy way to attain it? No, if you are anything like me, you may be stubborn and fight for the goals that you want to achieve. Why should it be any different here? I know there is a concern with leadership positions, but as stated, you don't need to have a title to be a leader. You can make a difference in your own way.

Also know though that there may not be a lot of leadership openings right now, but I'm sure there will be in the future. We all have RL and sometimes we have to change our focus which means that some of us may retire or step down to make way for future leaders. We are currently looking at ways to train our future leaders to prepare them to play a more predominant role in the Clan, but you can start doing that now all on your own by just being here, participating and offering help where needed even if it's simply being there for other members on IRC to answer questions or responding to emails on the google groups.

Plus, we haven't advertised this as much, but if any members have an idea for House or Clan competitions let me and Mac know! You don't have to be on the Summit to run competitions. ^.^ If they are House level, Mac and I can approve them. If they are Clan, then they would go through Ashia and Tron. If you have questions about this, shoot me or Mac an email and we'd be happy to help you out!

Wrap Up

I just wanted to share my thoughts on the above subjects and if you want to discuss anything mentioned in this report don't hesitate to email me or poke me on IRC. Also, keep an eye out for a more detailed report later this week!

For Sadow!

Raises her glass and takes a long swig.

In darkness,

Faeril Munlear

Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh

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