Aedile Report


Aedile Report


--Sklib likes to mess with my report sched, and is probably piss drunk.

--Vodo approves buttsecks.


--DGM and HM reports are out.

--IRC basics EP spot open for apps.

--Writing course is hoss.


--Clan news. My birthday is on the 28th, hint hint Clan summit.

--CON and PCON reports out. Chaos' is like, sooo old. I feel so bad for him. :(


--Welcome Taryn-Ryn Markilas from the Shadow Academy!

--I'm moving back to Iowa tomorrow, early in the morning. Like 3 hours from now. So, I'll be on a little LoA through out the week. You will still be able to get ahold of me via email, so do so. Sklib, now the sched is back to normal. Also, tomorrow, we CoD4 like, all night long.

--Anubis left. Old news is good news, I thought I'd throw this unnecessary bit of info in there.


--New Force Unleashed trailer, with hawt plot spoilers.


Tal Times: Vol. 4 Issue 3

Unit: Clan-Wide Event

The next issue of the Taldryan Times is around the corner, so now is your chance to get those submissions in. It can be anything from a story, an interview, funny graphics, whatever fits the TT.

The top 3 submissions each get a Crescent.

Please send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Reports Work - For Everyone

Unit: Clan Leaders

Specifics: This competition is for the BTLs, AEDs, QUAs, and PCON of Taldryan. Members need to have good, informative, and regular reports to keep them interested and up-to-date on happenings. Every two weeks I'll look over reports and reward the top leader. They will be awarded depending on how great their report actually is.

Platforms: Report writing

Awards: Crescents, from 5th level to 3rd level depending on the amount of effort put into each report

Comments: Following a competition line done by myself in 2006 and former Consul Kir before that.

The Aedile Strikes Back


Ahoy Ektrosis, you are being charged with the duty of turning your Aedile, Taigikori, into the most realistic looking Dark Jedi that you can conjure via any image editing software.

Winners will chosen on overall realism and appeal. So do try and make it look half way decent. I want no Hello Kitty logos put on my shirt!

Start Date: 6/15/2008

End Date: 6/30/2008

Unit in Competition: House Ektrosis

Platforms: Photoshop, Paint, any photo editing program.

Awards: 5th lvl Crescents to the top three entries.


--No promotions. :(

--Taigikori (me) earned 22 Clusters of Fire, a Crescent with Amethyst star, and a Legion of the Scholar!

--Swifty earned 3 Clusters of Fire!

--DarkAmiz earned a Crescent with Ruby star!

<ahref="¤t=Taig_5.png" target="_blank">Photobucket

--Athena passed Dark Brotherhood Basics.

--Narad passed Leadership Fundamentals.

--Go apply for IRC Basics EP, Quejo just stepped down.


House Roster:

Battle Team Hex Roster:

Battle Team Phoenix Roster:

Battle Team Horsemen of the Apocalypse Roster:

CON Halcyon Rokir: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

PCON Chaosrain Taldrya: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

QUA Hel-Pa Sklib: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

AED Taigikori Aybara: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

RM Alanna Taldrya: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

<ahref="¤t=Taig_7.png" target="_blank">Photobucket

That's it. I have to go finish packing, so. I've been without my 360 for 3 months, I can't wait to get back home. Battle team leaders, don't forget to watch your member's progression. They depend on you during their first few ranks within the brotherhood, so we depend on you to keep them in the loop. If I don't see you all before the weekend, have a good one, and remember, you can reach me via email.


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