Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Another data pad crashed to the floor and nearly broke upon its hitting the floor. Into a pile of them by the long legs of the woman who had been reading them…

“What am I a Dark Jedi or a Dark Bureaucrat?” mused Eludajae, “If I see another quartermasters report or requisition request I will scream.”

Out side the door of the Commander of the Souls of Darkness office both guards jump, as there comes a blood-curdling scream from inside. Both guards look at the other as if to say, “You go check…no you…”

Here is the Report of Monday 16th, 2008

Hello all well much has transpired since we started this little revamp of the SoD. Well we have our revamp online and in place, read the SoD page and see for your one self.

First, I would like to thank Impetus for all her work on the page itself, and I would like to tank Tyno for his suggestions that set a few things in motion that helped me find this solution to the SoD revamp.

So we are up a running fictionally now.


Congratulations to the following members of SoD for winning accolades for their accomplishments.

Malaki: (1) Cluster of Fire

Ylith Atema (1) Crescent with Topaz Star

Again if there are any medals I missed let me know in a private email and I will include them in the next report J (([Log in to view e-mail addresses]))


The SoD logo competition has concluded winner (s) will be notified as soon as the Medal requests go threw by next report you should know who you are. Thank you all for your submissions it will be a difficult choice.

For more competitions please look at the following link.

Journeyman members of the SoD: Please once you reach Guardian contact Xathia our Roll Master so you can be assigned a Master in the CSP Master/Student Program. This will accelerate your Knight trials vastly. Please contact her.


Other Reports you should look at are

The AED’s Report:

The QUA’s Report:

Which can be found off this site:

Ok that is all for now there will be another competition soon my email is off to the QUA and AED right after I up load this to the report site.



DJK Eludajae M'Nar (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: INI] AC / Cr-2R-4A-3S-6E-2T-2Q / DSS-BL / LS / S:-4P


-And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it;and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. -Revelations

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