Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

[BAC Doomsday, 1130 hours, conference room B]

A collection of men and women dressed in low ranking New Republic uniforms gathered in a small conference room. The lights were low and the faces of the soldiers were grim. Their ship had been orbiting Prakith for two weeks now, and everyone had been busy with their missions to try and infiltrate the hidden facility there. There were many injuries among the officers, ranging from burns and bruises to broken limbs. It was obvious from the expressions on everyone's faces that the last thing they wanted to be doing was having a staff meeting back on the ship.

An older gentleman dressed in a New Republic second lieutenant's uniform stood at the front of the room, hands clasped behind his back. Every few seconds he fidgeted with his uniform, looking positively annoyed by it. He sipped from a glass of water before beginning the meeting.

"Gladians," he began. "There is some important business this week. I would like to ask Ronovi and Balia Donos to stand please." The two officers stood. Ronovi's uniform was nearly black, covered nearly head to toe in blood and grime. "First, I would like to congratulate Balia Donos on being promoted to the rank of Novice. It was a long time coming, and I apologize for that. Next, I would like to congratulate Ronovi on her promotion to the rank of Guardian." There was a small eruption of applause at this point. Scion waited for it to subside before continuing. "Please know that these promotions are not rewards. They are renewed commitments to service, and pledges to continued excellence in all your endeavors. Thank you for your hard work so far, and I look forward to continuing to work with each of you in the future."

After Ronovi and Donos had been seated, Scion continued. "I would like to ask Ivanhoe to stand, please." The Apprentice was already standing meekly in the back of the room. "Er, well just step forward then so everybody can see who you are." Ivanhoe took a few steps forward. "Everyone, Ivanhoe is our newest Apprentice. Please introduce yourselves when you have an opportunity to do so. Welcome once again to our esteemed House, Ivanhoe."

"I see some of you have been taking part in missions on the planet. Thank you all for your hard work so far. I will keep you updated on any progress we make in our infiltration of the facility down there. I urge you all to volunteer for as many of the missions as you can. We need everybody's help to make this successful."

"May the Darkness guide you always. Thank you."

If you have no idea why we're on the Doomsday instead of the Sword's Sheath, please follow this link to find out:


Activity in House Gladius for the past week has been as follows.

Please contact me immediately if you did something within the past week and it isn't on my list.


Windos Helkin Tarentae:

Won Cr-E for 3rd place tie in IG Event 19


Various QUA duties

Dralin Hakh'khar:

Various AED duties

Scion Altera:

Submitted Rollmaster Report

Various RM duties

Submitted to To the Core: Part 3

Promoted to Guardian!

Ronovi Tavisaen:

Won 1st place in To the Core: Part 1! Award TBA.

Won 2nd place in To the Core: Part 2! Award TBA.

Promoted to Guardian!

Updated Wiki


Won Cr-E for 2nd place in IG Event 30

Won 17 CoFs for IG Event 30

Balia Donos:

Completed History of the Sith Empire I SA Course

Promoted to Novice!


Completed Test of Lore


In Darkness,

Scion Altera

GRD Scion "Firebird" Altera (Sith)/RM/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: INI]


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