Blades of Chaos Battle Team Leader Report
Cethgus stood up out of his chair as he saw Robin Hawk enter; she blushed a bit as he saluted her. Robin hawk sat opposite him as he sat down she started to talk to him about plans that she had for the team. After talking for a long time the two just started to chat about things that had happened in there life.
For some reason it seemed like most of the time the battle team sat around for most of their life just waiting for a war when they would be required to be at the front of the battle field. Sitting around the two started to drink and just keep talking as always.
Cethgus finally decided that he actually did need to start to do some work. Standing up he saluted to Robin Hawk giving her a fair well. She left his office leaving him there to do the load of paperwork that was still stacked on his desk.
With a sigh he took the first form and looked at it knowing there would be many more like this in the pile. He got prepared for a long night and just relaxed as he started to make his way through the pile of work.
I would like to say that there isnt much happening now that the IGs are over, but well done again for everyone who competed. I would like to also add that I have seen a lot of you participate lately in recent events and other things around the house. Helping out where you can, and for that Blades of Chaos you have my thanks.
I would also like to say that I am happy with the way things are happening in this team. I would like to say that we could be more active, I know this and so do most of you. For upcoming events, I wish to see us drive forward again like we did in the Independence games, I know we will win.
Well, I know that with the recent bundle of medals everyone got for the IGs that this week we wouldnt have that many medals to hand out for all of you. But of course there is always one member of Blades of Chaos who gets a medal, Congratulations to the following medal collector:
Robin Hawk: Crescent with Amethyst Star
Shadow Academy:
This week we have nothing from the shadow academy, but that doesnt always mean that I wont get anything next week. I would say that Shadow Academy is a great way to learn new things. It helps all of us in the brotherhood, so I would say that all of you should keep up the hard work and keep going.
Antei Combat Centre:
The ACC is a great way to do fiction, if you like writing and you want to fight someone the best way is on the ACC. I strongly advice that you try it at some point. Just challenge someone you have wanted to fight for ages and go for it. So the ACC loss of the week is:
Cethgus Incendia Zor-El vs Impetus MNar Palpatine Winner is Impetus
Its not often we get this in for the report, but we have a promotion in the battle team so without further interruption:
Tollo Guardian
Well first of congratulations Tollo, you deserve this promotion. You havent let Blades of Chaos down and you always strive to do more work. In all I am please with your work inside of this battle team you are an honoured members and keep up the great work.
I would like to remind this battle team that there is a run-on currently going and you should all participate in it. It is good fun to see that you all are working but I would like you to all keep this up in the run-on as well. Make sure you post in the order it started at.
Need Work:
If you ever need work the best way to get work is to come to me, IRC or email and I will find you some work that you can do. Remember that there is never nothing, and of course you will always have something to do.
CSP Values:
Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do.
Cethgus Incendia Zor-El
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