Dark Greetings HLK!
If you haven't sent in your Clan Review, please do! It's important you share your feedback. I thought someone mentioned a deadline, but looking through reports and emails I don't see one. I could have totally missed it though. lol If you haven't filled it out yet, try to within the next few days if possible.
The last few weeks have been crazy or sort of like hell for me, I should say. I've had drama up to my ears at work! and it's very tiring, but I'm a fighter and a Sith so I'll just kick some ass! \o/
The winners of the 1st House Development Competition were announced a little while ago and I'm going to get that email out to start the discussion this evening. I apologize for being a bit behind on that one, but let's get rolling again!
Entire DJB
Mad Alchemist's Trivia Still one more week left! Competition Ends 7/7/2008
Meditations on the Force Competitions Ends 7/31/2008
Clan Naga Sadow
Gangs of Seng Karash Competition Ends 6/30/2008
Mal'ari'carun's Character Development Extravaganza Weekly Competition w/ a lot of shines to be had! Ends 9/11/2008
Jade Serpents
Lightsaber Training Competition Starts June 30 and Ends July 3
Malisane gave me a great idea for a competition, so keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming House Comp. ^.^
Hostan Dreever, Promoted from Novice to Acolyte
Pylarus, Promoted from Protector to Guardian
Faeril Munlear, Promoted from Dark Jedi Knight to Warrior
Kaelin Ring, Promoted from Dark Jedi Knight to Templar
Joseem Maruuch, Promoted from Jedi Hunter to Dark Jedi Knight
StarLion, Promoted from Priest to Archpriest
Robert Atema Sadow
Awarded Crescent w/ Sapphire Star for placing 3rd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 11 "Works of Tribute: Ghosts of Graphics - Present"
Awarded Crescent w/ Emerald Star for placing 4th Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 12 "Works of Tribute: Ghosts of Graphics - Future"
Awarded Crescent w/ Amethyst Star for placing 2nd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 13 "Works of Tribute: Epic Ballad"
Awarded Crescent w/ Emerald Star for tieing 3rd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 19 "Works of Honor: Tu'kata or not Tu'kata"
Awarded Crescent w/ Sapphire Start for placing 2nd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 20 "Works of Honor: Yvetha, Ssi-ruuk and Yuuzhan Vong... OH MY!"
Awarded Crescent w/ Emerald Star for placing 3rd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 21 "Works of Honor: Dark Brotherhood Comic"
Awarded Crescent w/ Topaz Star for placing 3rd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 25 "Works of Reverence: Seat of Power"
Awarded Crescent w/ Emerald Star for placing 2nd Overall in the 2008 Independence Games: Event 29 "Works of Reverence: Who said it?!"
Awarded Crescent w/ Sapphire Start for placing 1st place in the Jedi vs Sith dueling Competition
(Bob has been a busy one! So who thinks they can get more shinies than Bob this coming month?)
Kaelin Ring,
Awarded Crescent w/ Sapphire Star for placing 2nd place in the Pregnancy Mystery League 3 Competition
Awarded a Dark Cross for his Dedication and Activity to his Clan
Darth Vexatus
Awarded a Dark Cross for his Dedication and Activity to his Clan
Shadow Academy Courses
Hostan Dreever, Passed the Obelisk Core & ACC Initiates Courses
Tassadar, Passed the Astronomy Course
Abyssimus, Passed the Wiki Basics Course
Macron Keibatsu Sadow, Passed the Freighters & Transports Course
Transferred In
Transferred Out
Tetsaigah Sesshomaru Sholar
Khotaro Fumai to HMR
Welcome back, Malisane De Ath!
Closing Remarks
Vacation is coming up for me, yay! which means I'll be chillin' in IRC more and doing more DB stuff in General. So I'm excited for a break! I need one though I will be doing work of a sort, but it's more side projects that I'll enjoy.
Go out there and earn some shinies! participate and have fun. If you don't regularly hangout in IRC, try to venture there sometimes. It's a great way to get to know other members of the Clan. Plus, if you have questions, many of us are happy to help you right on the spot. Some of us do lurk from time to time, but we will usually do respond if not right away. ;)
Congratulations to everyone on their accomplishments so far this month! Keep up the great work!
In Darkness,
Faeril Munlear
Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh
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