Blades of Chaos Battle Team Leader Report
Cethgus packed his belongings into a bag and smiled to himself, knowing that he needed these two weeks off and was only just finishing up his paper work he left everything till the last minute of course. Packing up his stuff he left a neat pile of bags on the couch in his office ready for when he had to leave.
Turning around he found that his Executive officer Robin Hawk was stood in the door way, she looked around and nodded towards Cethgus. Knowing that she had finally found a chance to lead this team.
Im going to spend some time with Kara and the kids Hawk, you are in charge of blades of chaos until I get back Cethgus spoke quickly knowing that there was a shuttle waiting for him he smiled towards robin.
He handed Hawk a small key which would let her into his liquor cabinet and into his office knowing that she would need it for while he was away. He handed her something else which would let people know she was able to keep the team under control. With a quick hug and a little slap on her backside
Cethgus left the Office fully at her disposable. Before heading to the hanger. He saw his family waiting for him at the hanger, and kisses Kara before they went onboard the ship. Cethgus looked backwards and smiles.
Ill be back soon, but for now Im enjoying time with my family he said before the ship took off.
I am taking a Leave of Absence from the 3rd of July to the 20th of July this will be a holiday that I am on and yes; your commander does actually have a real life. In the mean time though, you are wondering who will be in charge whiles hes is away. It is a simple choice my loyal and trust executive officer. Robin Hawk, she will be able to answer any questions.
Because I wont be around when the new member is added into Blades of Chaos I would like to say congratulations to the member who made it into the team, I hope that you are welcomed with open arms while Im on my leave of absence. And I will congratulate you when I get back from my LoA. Well done again.
Well, the medals have come in for the competition that Dante ran, both competitions are over and the medals have been awarded for them. So without any further wait the medals go to, this is quite an achievement by Robin Hawk, well done Hawk on the medals you got:
Robin Hawk: Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Quartz Star x3, Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Ruby Star, Legion of the Scholar.
Cethgus: Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Crescent with Topaz Star
Shadow Academy:
The shadow academy is always a way to be able to get to learn new ways of the dark side as well as of course the other things that they offer is to help you understand things that are done in the Dark Brotherhood. The following exam was completed, congratulation on completing this course:
Tollo: General Leadership
The Antie Combat Centre is a good way to write a battle between you and someone else. This challenges your writing skill and letting you have fun in fighting against a friend or a foe in the acc. It keeps up activity and helps you see what your character is like in combat. So the following battle was lost this week:
Cethgus Incendia Zor-El vs. Malaki Winner Malaki
Other bits:
I would just like to remind you that Impetus has recently sent an important email out that I would like you all to read. Ylith has some good emails normally and you should check them out if you like games. And of course, with this I would like to congratulate Robin Hawk as her time as the assistant to Impetus, well done Hawk and I am sure you will make Blades of
Chaos proud.
Clans Scholae Palatine Values:
Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do.
The ones who fight today, are the heros of tomorrow
Cethgus Incendia Zor-El
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