In case you had not noticed, I'm back from my LoA.
We have reached the 2,000 articles mark! Yay! As of this moment, there are 2,007 articles.
We also have 1,920 images uploaded! Will we reach 2,000 there too?
Aabs, Halc, Korras, and Dessan have left, and Vladek has rejoined the Wiki Staff.
Although 4 - 1 = 3, I will only be opening two spots on the Wiki Staff. If I find that there is a need to open up another spot, I will do that. To be appointed to the Wiki Staff, you must write a formal application. If you are unfamiliar with writing an application, please view the Leadership Applications reference file from the Shadow Academy.
Requirements to apply:
hold at least the rank of Guardian
understand the policies and guidelines of the DJBWiki
be willing to assist with the duties outlined on the "Wiki Tribune" article
Even if you don't meet all of the requirements, I may make an exception if your application blows my mind at least three times consecutively.
Please send your applications to me.
I am beginning the Fairuse Image Audit!
Everyone who participates must complete their task by July 8th, or I'll just do it myself. This will require a lot of grunt work, but the results should be quite satisfying.
For this audit, you will be looking for images that do not have a category besides "Fair use files." Like Tron's audit in April, you will also be looking for duplicates and any "miscategorized" images. Everyone (including Staff) who completes their task earns a DSS.
Also like Tron's audit, you (including Staff) will not edit the images or make corrections yourself; instead, you will be sending reports to me (via email) so that I can keep a record of who did what, rather than scrolling through a very busy Recent changes list and trying to pinpoint everyone's name.
If you would like to help out with this, please post a comment with something like "___ is my favorite letter!" I have already checked through the images that began with numbers as I was figuring out how to best run this process, so you cannot pick those.
The Fairuse Image Audit begins now.
Don't make <span style="color: #FF0000">red</span> links.
<span style="color: #FF0000">Red</span> links are the color of <span style="color: #FF0000">blood</span>, and that means that a Wiki article is <span style="color: #FF0000">bleeding</span>, so a Staff member has to <span style="color: #0000FF">patch</span> it up.
Don't <span style="color: #FF0000">hurt</span> the Wiki.
If you are not sure if a page exists or not, use the "Show preview" button! If the link shows up <span style="color: #FF0000">red</span>, it does not exist!
3491 Krath Pontifex RevengeX Palpatine
6381 Grand Master Sarin
153 Dark Jedi Master Astronicus Aurelius Sadow
2706 Obelisk Primarch Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
3944 Sith Warlord Robert Atema Sadow
5951 Krath Epis Impetus Korin-M'Nar Palpatine
7941 Krath Priest Vladek
I killed two spambots in one day. I feel buff. (Thanks to Ylith and Ashura for spotting the first one.)
Apply for a spot on the Wiki Staff. Two positions are open.
Fairuse Image Audit begins.
Don't <span style="color: #FF0000">hurt</span> the Wiki.
Smoke (Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir) earned a Dark Side Scroll for helping with the Dead-end pages. Thanks, Smoke!
Have a great week.
KPN RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP-T:W-M:SCL/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: JUD]
SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoH / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-4R-15A-23S-25E-12T-10Q / PoB-AuL / CF-SpF / DSS-AgL / SI-BL / SoF-AuL / SoL-TC / LS-EL / S:-4Al-9C-17D-6Do-6Dk-17P
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Please have your applications for a spot on the Wiki Staff sent to me by July 10. I will confirm that I receive it within 24 hours. Thanks.
J is my favorite letter.
C will do for me if no one else has taken it.
Tra'an Reith
GO S! S team rules! S is my fav
I'll have K, if it's still free
An addition to the tip about red links, if you preview a page and you have a red link in it, open a new tab in your browser and search the page you're trying to link to in the search bar. Often pages do exist, they're just named differently.
Thanks Revy! and to think what boredum allows for :P
What if you create a link to a page that doesn't exist as a reminder to create said page for yourself later on?
BF: you mean the one I "almost" took care of :P
Bloodfyre: If that's the case, create the page and put a { {construction}} tag in it. Then, in the talk page, let us know that you will be working on it. Good question.
Gotcha, thanks.
It bleeds? Seriously? :P
stabs the Wiki in the face with a chainsaw.
Hope that doesn't hurt. :P
We still need volunteers for the Fairuse Image Audit. If you are hesitating to volunteer because you don't know what to do, here are the first steps in getting started:
1) Comment here and tell us your favorite letter. For this audit, you will be auditing the images that begin with this letter.
2) Go to "Category: Fair use files" (
3) If needed, click "Next 200" until you reach the images that you are supposed to audit.
4) Go through each image (yes, you must click) and check to see if there is an Image Category (excluding "Fair use files") attached to that image.
5) Email your findings to me by July 8th.