Clan Notes
Random Quote:
“At least they’re employee praise comments instead of customer complaints. That means I don’t have to call the customer and prostrate myself before their wonderfulness.”
-Anshar (in real life) to his Assistant Front End manager
So, yeah, I meant to get to this a bit sooner (from the last one), but I kind of kept setting it aside… the goal is every two weeks. So, without further ado, onto the clan notes.
New Tridens Quaestor
After dedicated service, Raiju has chosen to step down as Quaestor of Tridens. His aedile, Odin, has been promoted to Quaestor. I’d like to thank Raiju for all of his service and congratulate Odin on his new appointment.
Clan Competition
I’ve got the events planned out, an extra judge, and I’m really stoked about this upcoming competition. The run-on is going to be the main event and it should turn out awesome. I’ve been holding back on saying this, but what the hell… this isn’t your mother’s run-on.
Also, don’t forget, not only does each individual event carry awards, but the whole competition will have awards. And then the totals go into the overall scoring for this trilogy of clan competitions.
For those of you who haven’t heard, our own Sith Bloodfyre has been named the new Combat Master. Yay Sith!
I’ll be honest, and as I told Sith, I don’t pay that much attention to the ACC. But, the truth is, I do. We know it is going to get used in large scale Brotherhood competitions, but perhaps more importantly, it can be fun. And it is another venue for activity.
Masters and Students
So, the Master-Student Program (MSP) isn’t as organized as it used to be, but we’re going to get back on track. That being said, I need to know what MS pairs are out there so I can have a record it. Just e-mail me about it.
I’ve also typed up some rules and guidelines for these pairings, and I’ll have those on the wiki later tonight (after I finish this, I’m going out for a bit).
Become Army Strong
And by that, I mean Tarentum’s Army has some officer openings. To be eligible (before we have to fill with a bunch of NPCs), compete in Oberst’s event:
Just switch the two images for the given scenarios. And yes, there will be a navy officer competition in the near future.
Congratulations to the following members for being promoted since my last clan notes:
Zero Raven to Novice
Vampre to Protector
Kyra Starfire to Jedi Hunter (Kyra was also recently named as an EP at the Shadow Academy).
Clan Arrivals
Welcome to the following members who joined (or rejoined) us:
Vampre and Frindsor transferred in from the Rogues.
Deicide and Regneer are brand new and joined Tridens
Drak Truborn is brand new and joined Gladius
Fictional Update
The clan is currently on its way home from its latest mission to the core world of Prakith. However, en route, we came across a derelict MC80 cruiser recognized as his former ship from the Emperor’s Hammer, the Renegade.
(ooc note: the next competition picks up at this point; we are technically “frozen” there even though the competitions will happen about a month apart)
And that is that for this week. Clan competition starts in about 3 weeks. For now, take a break, enjoy what is left of summer, and let it be known that Tarentum still kicks ass.
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