Greetings, Arcano Signum! This is your Sergeant again, writing her third report! Let's get down to business.
As many of you know (or maybe not), we are officially conducting an AWOL check for the battle team. You all have probably received the e-mail about alerting me of your activity. So far, I've only received replies from the same three people who I know are active. If you don't e-mail me, you are off the team!
Also, the next Clan Competition is in three weeks! In the meantime, Oberst is having two separate competitions for the Tarentum Army and Navy. The link to the Army comp is here: If you want to be in the Navy, DO NOT partake in this competition. Also, should you do the Army competition, switch the two scenario images; the image for scenario #1 should be for scenario #2, and vice versa.
I have not received one notification of any accomplishments of any team member here since last week. I want to see some activity, y'all!
Arcano Signum Comp - It's BIG.
Yes, I have not finished the comp. But I have a good reason for it. Deatharoc and I were first planning a joint competition between Arcano Signum (Us!) and Gladius's other battle team, the Keepers of the Night, in a competition called "Gladius's First Battle Team." However, now it's bigger than ever; if all goes according to plan, this battle team competition will involve the entire clan!
That's right, not only will we be competing against the Keepers of the Night, but we will also be competing against the battle teams from Tridens and Cestus. This is a huge event, and I want you guys to participate. Lots of medals are at stake, and it will involve a run-on, fiction entries, gaming, and the ACC!
As this is a big project, it's going to take a while to approve and structure. Therefore, I ask you all to be patient while I gather more information. I'll have more details for you later on.
Want a Promotion?
Get active! Submit to House, Clan, and Brotherhood competitions; take SA courses, visit IRC, and get to know your higher-ups. If you have done any of these, let me, your Rollmaster, your Aedile, and your Quaestor know so we can document your activity. A promotion is a hard-earned achievement, so you must work, work, work to get it.
Contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
May darkness guide you all.
-GRD Ronovi Tavisaen/SGT/Gladius of Tarentum
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