Hey all.. this is your friendly neighbourhood Quaestor. Here I am with another glorious report for you all to ignore...:) I know that I haven't been around a whole lot these days, but I am very proud of my House and its members as of late. We are on the rise and this is goooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
I just wanted to take this report to thank Vorion for his outstanding work as AED of Galeres while my RL has been getting in the way a bit. He has done a stellar job and I thank him here publicly. Great work, Vorion - Keep it up!
We have just gotten the results of the Great Hunt and I couldn't be more proud of Blue Mist! The Elite status stays with Galeres! Our very own Talos d'Tana has lead his team to VICTORY over the other Arconan Battle Teams and for that he has brought honour and glory to our House! Awesome Job, Talos! There are great more great things on the horizon for you my friend!
As for JScumm... WOW! He has shamed everyone else with all the points and activity he was able to belt out in the Great Hunt! The stats on that will be out with Malidir's report, but wow man. Thanks for being such an asset to this House and Clan. You deserve every medal and award that comes your way! Keep up your awesomeness, JScumm!
+=Turmoil on the Rise=+
There is a war on the horizon, people. If we haven't been ravaged enough by the Vong; an outside force - we are now going to be at war with our own brethren! This feud is between CP and CSP and Arcona. We absolutely need to pull together for this guys! We need absolute commitment to dominate. So don't burn yourselves out on other things because this war is imminent! I don't know about you guys, but I'm looking forward trashing these two clans along side you guys! So, let's DO THIS! Stay tuned for more details.
Here below you will find a list of the competitions that are available to you guys. They are both for the Entire Brotherhood and for Arcona. Our House and Clan doesn't have a lot going on right now because we know of the upcoming feud. If you wish, you can take part in them, but as mentioned before, please do not get worn out doing something else. Doing too much before a big competition such as a Feud can be detrimental to our efforts.
Here is the list:
From Strategos - Arcona - "Arcona Trivia Mk. IV" - Click here for details
From Raken - Entire DJB - "Death of a Clan" - Click here for details
From Raken - Entire DJB - "Prophetical" - Click here for details
From Raken - Entire DJB - "Meditations on the Force" - Click here for details
From Shadow Taldrya - Entire DJB - "Gaming nights" - Click here for details
Also, keep your eyes pealed onto the future horizon as we work on developing some Galeres History and storyline.
This has been another wonderful QUA report. In the least, I hope it's been informative and motivational. We are doing really well right now, Galerians. You guys are awesome and I know we will dominate once more! Keep up the great work!
In Arcona's Service,
QUA - SBM Rho Ozrei d'Tana
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