Aedile Report


Aedile Report

The Tyrant's Den Report

Ladies and gents I finally was able to acess my email as some of you know I have had some trouble and stuff but well here I have an email with a sexy report out and some sad news cause some nice people are leaving and stuff.

So read, cry, complain and do comps.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood News:

Combat Master Report

Knighthood Trials

Trainers Wanted

DB FF league


CM Stuff

T:G and Combat Master

Quaestor Position Now Open for Clan Naga Sadow

Headmaster Report

Wiki News

Fiction Tribune Report

Wiki Tribune Report


Gaming Tribune Open for Applications

Combat Master open for applications

Star Wars News:

Honestly I think there is no news in this area for this week or the past weeks :P.

Awards & Promotions:

Ethran Sayre:

Out of here


Out of here for family reasons


Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded x 2

Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded x 4

Crescent with Amethyst Star Awarded x 1



Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded x 2

Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded x 1

Dark Hunter:

Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded x 1


Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded x 1


Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded x 3


Freighters and Transports Passed

Weapons Basics Passed

Advanced HTML Passed

Astronomy Passed

Capital Starships Passed

Wiki Basics Passed



Scroll of Foundation Awarded x 1

He left us why? Cause he needs a brake, so why not give him one, he better be back though.

Haruun Orontes:

Crescen with Ruby Star Awarded x 1

Etah d'Tana:

Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded x 1

Fajhal Xyler:

Welcoming Committee:

Welcome everybody if you have any questions just ask and if you have any suggestions or comments we are open to see new things done and any critiques are also welcome.


Ghaust welcome to the brotherhood, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Mal or anybody, the people here are very nice.


Lilstev3n welcome to the brotherhood, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Mal or anybody, the people here are very nice.


Faythion welcome to the brotherhood, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Mal or anybody, the people here are very nice.


The Bi-Monthly Qel-Droma Challenge -DO THE COMP!!!! - I am mad so not comp this month

[Arcona] Armed Forces Wiki Comp Part I

New QUA graphix comp

Arcona Trivia Mk. IV

Gaming Nights

T:SWG Star Wars trivia

The Great Hunt 2

Mad Alchemist's Trivia

Synergy uprising

Little Golden Man

Death of a Clan


Extra Notes:

This is all for this week.

The Tyrant's Den Closing Thoughts:

Well enjoy have fun and GAME GAME GAME!!!!

AED DJK Tirano Yamayura for the House of Qel-Droma

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