Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report #2 (15th July 2008)
Dark Greetings Clan Naga Sadow
Its the next report from yours truly, I have had a week to get everything clan-wide into my inbox and I have to say WOW! You lot sure know how to rock! I love the level of activity I am seeing; Ive had to trim my report down a bit so not to overload on all the awesomeness. Read on and dont forget to check the Proconsuls Clipboard for updates.
DB Update
Shikyo, Tsainetomo, Erinyes, Derev, Alaric and Korras join Sklib, Xathia and Quejo as ACC Trainers: please challenge them to training battles and give the other three a bit of a rest..
Clan Code
Hard Work
Clan Competitions
Mal'ari'carun's Character Development Extravaganza (CNS)
HMR QUA applications closing soon.
House Marka Ragnos is seeking a new Quaestor. This individual will be self driven and reliable. Able to continue the previous Quaestor's work as well as bring in their own new ideas for house development and activity. Able to work with the current summit is a must and a willingness to be in the position for as long as necessary. Weekly reports will be a requirement of this position as well as running house competitions and training the Battle Team Leaders and Aedile.
If you are this person, please send your application/resume' to the Consul, Ashia Kagan Keibatsu at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and the ProConsul, Alector Isradia at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Requirements for both:
-Must have previous leadership experience in the DB
-Must be DJK or above
-Must have email TAT of 48 hours or less
-Must have passed all Leadership SA courses as well as Conflict Mediation
-Good written communication skills a must
Deadline is Friday, July 18th at 10PM EST
Three days left to apply!
Proconsul Projects
1) Update Dlarit Corporation OOBwikipage by getting members to create histories for NPCs This is a planned competition where members can crescents but also have a chance to become Prefects of Alabrek Castle, Amphor, Kangaras and Marakith Skyhook for the best written NPCs history that take character development into consideration Non-Playable Characters are just as important as Playable Characters in the development of this Clan. Also, a quick thanks to Xanos for updating the page a bit cheers mate.
2) Bobs DSOG Troops idea; I have always loved the concept of this which is why I am going to create a sample of this on Alectors article to test the idea out. This is more of a fictional development point for members characters to really have fun with. Bobs idea was this:
Dlarit Special Operations Group
Dark Jedi Commanders
All Disciples of Sadow receive a commission within D-SOG regardless of whether or not they wish to assume military duties. Journeymen receive the rank of subcommander to recognize them as members of D-SOG, although subcommanders have little real power. More senior journeymen receive the rank of lieutenant commander. Knights earn the rank of commander which is not to be confused with the navy rank. The rank of commander confers limited powers. Equites are afforded the rank of senior commander, bestowing them with wider powers than ordinary commanders. Finally, elders receive the rank of marshal commander, granting them further authority beyond that of a senior commander.
Those who wish to assume their military duties will be assigned military units to command for personal use. The amount of units each individual receives depends on ones current rank in the Dark Brotherhood.
Apprentice None
Novice None
Acolyte None
Protector One Fireteam
Guardian One Fireteam
Jedi Hunter Two Fireteams
Dark Jedi Knight: One Squad (Three Fireteams)
Warrior/Templar/Priest One Squad + One Commando Squad
Battlemaster/Prelate/Archpriest One Squad + One Commando Squad
Battlelord/Exarch/Epis Two Squads + One Commando Squad
Warlord/Primarch/Pontifex Two Squads + One Commando Squad + One Delta-class Advanced Commando
As an individual gains rank in the Dark Brotherhood, one also gains military units to command. One may also gain additional units through proving oneself in various operations or as a reward for dedicated service.
While every Dark Jedi Commander is in complete charge of each military unit it is assigned and can send these units on any missions they so desire, the Dlarit Corporation and Clan Naga Sadow are ultimately in charge of these units and may recall them for service as they deem necessary.
Revision 2.1 - Written by SWL Bob Sadow
Proconsul Real Life
something tries not to look like an idiot epic fail. :p.
Clan Naga Sadow welcomes Derev Niroth, Aticus 'Khaos' Kashu and Mitsuhide Akechi to the fold.
Seals of Remembrance have been awarded to:
Darth Vexatus
Robert Atema Sadow
Alexander Anderson
Macron Goura Sadow
Nassin Zye
Alector Isradia
Tsainetomo Keibatsu
Tsingtao Ming
Zaroth Kalikrayye
Khotaro Fumai
Astronicus "Tron" Aurelius Sadow
Joseem Maruuch
Mal'ari'carun has been awarded a Dark Cross
Mal'ari'carun has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star
Mal'ari'carun has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star
Tsingtao Ming has been awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star
Macron Goura Sadow has been awarded 3 x Legion of the Scholar
Jades "Imperial" Atema has been awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star
Jades "Imperial" Atema has been awarded 3 x Crescent with Emerald Star
Alector Isradia has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
VanWyck has been awarded a Scroll of Indoctrination
Kaelin Ring has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star
Alexander Anderson has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star
Shadow Academy
Dark Savant - Leadership and Communication: Derev Niroth
Dark Maven- Leadership: Derev Niroth
Chamber of Justice: Mal'ari'carun
History of the Sith Empire I Passed: bane kaan, Alexander Anderson
History of the Sith Empire II: Mal'ari'carun
Conflict Mediation: bane kaan, Mal'ari'carun
Pre-Republic History: bane kaan
Freighters and Transports: Raistlin Sadow
ACC Initiates: bane kaan
General Leadership: Alexander Anderson
IRC Channel Operator Studies: Alexander Anderson
Test of Wisdom: Mal'ari'carun
Leadership Fundamentals: Mal'ari'carun, Alexander Anderson
bane kaan hsd been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
As always here are also the usually links for you know and use to grow better accustomed to life on the other side of the fence as a Special Ops Commander:
D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster
Temple of Sorrow (New Sadow Palace):
Astronicus Dlarit, Viceroy
Ashia Keibatsu, Governor General
Tsainetomo Keibatsu, Prefect
Alector Isradia, Special Attaché
Temple of Steel:
Special Operations Group - General Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu, Commander General
Marakith Skyhook:
Faeril Munlear, Governor,
Macron Goura, Lieutenant Governor
Robert Atema, Special Attaché
Joseem Maruuch, Special Attaché
TBA, Prefect
Special Operations Group - Xia Long, Malik, Malisane De Ath, StarLion, Aticus 'Khaos' Kashu, Horus Blackheart, Kaelin Ring, Eldrad Sin, Sanjuro "Sledge" Keibatsu, Acara Rai Rayden, Kairus, Davin Olar, Pylarus, Naiia Munlear, Krandon Rowella, Cadavus, Tassadar, Aranas, Abyssimus, Kavar, Hostan Dreever, Kravan Kavar, Rhyan Nexant, Silverr Rampu, Pyrimus, Xanillis, Mazark, Bane Kaan, CelticFang, Rob Pett, Daniil Ragewind, Jimmy Bond
Alabrek Castle:
TBA, Governor
Alexander Anderson, Lieutenant Governor
Senior Commander Jade Atema, Special Attaché
Senior Commander Tsingtao Ming, Special Attaché
TBA, Prefect
Special Operations Group - Jedgar Paladin, Nekura Manji Keibatsu, Raistlin, Janos Silverwulf, Mitsuhide Akechi, Tsainetomo Keibatsu, Derev Niroth, Mal'ari'carun, Jades "Imperial" Atema, Raven, Vladek, Morrigan Ryukossei Jade, Devani Kiriana Maharet, Tsingtao Ming, Shuang Long, Khotaro Fumai, Alexander Anderson, Fet'ai'narun, Zaroth Kalikrayye, Nero Pennant, Ekeia Iclo, Zaxen Dauketrenal, Tritherus, VanWyck, Arfala, Teu, Nassin Zye, William "Archaon" Darkfire, Mordaki, Kyrath Amaranthi, Valanis, Kaos, Nik Walls, Kantor, Cruciatis, Xia Rowella, Valorian
Cenota Facility:
Tsingtao Ming, Prefect
Darth Vexatus and Shan Long
I think this report has gone on long enough, heh. As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura/Alector/``Bandit on IRC.
Long live Naga Sadow
His Honor,
Battlemaster Alector Isradia
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
Disciple of Sadow
Son of Ashura Isradia
Inheritor-Scion of Isradia
Marquis of Besh Haras
Supplicant of the Rose Abbey
SBM Ashura Isradia; Knight First Class; M: GM
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