Greetings, Arcano Signum! This is your sergeant with the latest battle team report!
Clan News
The Clan Comp is coming up fast, so you better prepare yourselves! This is big, guys. Participation in this comp means big recognition and big rewards. Also, Oberst's army comp is still going on at, so you still have the opportunity to prove yourself worthy of an army rank. Remember, if you wish to be in the Tarentum Navy, do NOT participate in the above competition. And remember, invert the images. If anyone on the team has already done the army comp, let me and your House Summit know!
Also, as you all know, the official AWOL for this battle team is growing closer to its end. I still have only heard from a few of you, and unfortunately, many of you may be leaving the team. IF YOU ARE ACTIVE AND HAVE NOT E-MAILED ME, DO SO NOW. I hope to hear from more of you before we begin elimination.
Congratulations to Balia Donos for earning a Legion of the Scholar! He got second place in an impromptu trivia session on July 13th.
Congratulations also to Wrintel Ouqbo and Blufire for earning Seals of Remembrance for participating in the Independence Games!
I want to see more participation and accomplishments, everyone!
Arcano Signum Comp
As it turns out, the Clan-wide BT competition is taking longer to formalize than expected. Therefore, most likely it will take place after the Clan Comp in August. HOWEVER, I have finally gotten my act together and put together two comps for this team to participate in, both starting today! They are listed below.
"To Wear the Signum":
"Analyzing the Lightsaber":
I composed these comps with the intention of giving you all an opportunity to get some activity in, have fun, and earn some medals. Every award counts to a future promotion and recognition! All the information you need about the comps, their deadlines, and who to submit them to are located in the URLs (though the third should be pretty obvious...yours truly, of course).
Want a Promotion?
Get active! Submit to House, Clan, and Brotherhood competitions; take SA courses, visit IRC, and get to know your higher-ups. If you have done any of these, let me, your Rollmaster, your Aedile, and your Quaestor know so we can document your activity. A promotion is a hard-earned achievement, so you must work, work, work to get it.
Questions, Suggestions, Concerns?
Contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
May darkness guide you all.
-GRD Ronovi Tavisaen/SGT/Gladius of Tarentum
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