Holy Crap, its a Consul report. I suck at these; I know I will try to suck less.
1st Overall: Clan Scholae Palatinae 743 Points
Thran, Lucien, Prajna, Robin Hawk and myself received medals for our contributions.
Independence Games:
We dominated the crap out of the IGs and I am extremely proud of CSP for kicking so much ass. Merit Noble points are being added to the roster and in the near future we will be awarding stuff for all of your hard work. For those who havent checked it out yet, http://independencegames.stormraven.org/independencegames/IG08/results.html , that is the results, notice what clan is placed the most. :-P
Seals have been awarded.....Holy crap on a stick batman you guys kicked ass. I am very proud of you all
New Paladin Named:
After all his hard work, Cethgus has been named the Sixth Dark Paladin of CSP. Drinks on Him!!!
New T: Wiki & T: Gaming:
For those who dont already know, RevengeX and Dante have been named T: Wiki and T: Gaming congratulate them.
We have a new Ward of the North (Gaming), Draken Atema aka Ylith. He is already doing a bang up job so far, so look to your inboxes for news updates.
Ward of the East (ACC) Kat Pridemore has stepped down due to RL. If you feel that you are strong in the ACC and can help train new members into passing their Qualifications, email Lucien [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with your applications. Saying I am awesome or anything of the such, will be disregarded.
Due to his promotion to AED, Timbal has resigned as Ward of the West (Run-Ons); no applications will be taken at this time.
As you saw in Sarins report, they will be releasing the Orders soon, so we should be able to launch shortly there-after.
Activity or AWOL:
Luciens project is now in effect, get active or you will be AWOLED. SA, ICTE, T:F comps, anything that shows us that you are still alive and kicking.
All we need to do at the moment is move the old code to the new code, so we are just waiting on the access from the higher-ups on that.
Master/Student Program:
For all those members who are PRTs and up that have yet to have a master, get with Lucien and I so that we can find you a suitable Master to get you to DJK.
Military Restructure:
Marshal Plan C has been approved and is now being moved over to the wiki, look for those changes.
Feud Rumors:
Now, I know you all have been hearing rumors about an upcoming feud, so let me put these to rest right now
You are correct. The outline has been done and now the 27pg fiction has been completed, we are now awaiting approval from all parties and you should be seeing increased traffic about it. There will be HUGE rewards for events, plus, will set a number of you over the top for individual achievements. So when we get this going, get out there and get active.
In Darkness,
Warlord Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine
SWL Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine (Sith)/CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
AK / SB / GC / SC-SoR / AC-ToSH / DC-SiP / GN / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1R-4A-2S-8E-8Q / PoB-BL / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL-TC / LS-AuL / S:-8M-2Do-4Dk-3P
Son of Palpatine
Emperor of Judecca
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
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