Mechwarrior Guild


Mechwarrior Guild

I talked to Halc, and I got his approval to start a Mechwarrior Guild.

The guild will support the all three standalone Mechwarrior 4 games: Vengeance, Black Knight, and Mercenaries. The guild will also support Mechwarrior 3 and its expansion (Pirate Moon).

If you wanna sign up, you can add a comment, post to the message board under the MW4 guild topic, or get in touch with me; either on IRC or through email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

I plan on playing at least one game a week, but hopefully more... it depends how many people have the game and are willing to play regularly.

Count me in P. I was wondering if a MW4 guild would be considered :P

Gaunt goes to prepare

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