Blades of Chaos Battle Team Leader Report
Sitting down at a make do desks, the Obelisk had the trouble of running the battle team as they were preparing for war. It wasnt easy to keep in touch with everyone as they all were busy getting ready or wandering around. He looked up and found Robin Hawk stood in front of him, she had changed since they had first met. She had grown a lot stronger and he had to admit that even in a spar she started to push him back some times. He stood up and nodded towards Hawk who sat opposite him, slowly sitting back down the prelate gazed at the female.
What brings you to this place Robin? Cethgus voice echoed around the small room, he looked at her.
I just wanted to go over some last minute things Cethgus, nothing major at all She had a certain command about her voice, the Obelisk nodded towards her and started to talk to her.
Cethgus spoke for hours towards the younger member; they went over everything and anything that they were able to find. They knew that the following war would be a tough one and things had to be done perfectly. There was no room for any error of any type and Blades of Chaos had to be up to the challenge.
In case you havent noticed we are currently in the middle of a feud! That is right a huge feud now I want to see you all participate in as many things as you can, remember that you are fighting for the clan, so I want you all to give this your best shot. I know that some of you can find that motivation is something that you are lacking, but I know that with one major push you will be able to make the clan and house proud. I have put the link to the feud website below:
Medals do we have any, I am sure that from the team we would have some medals. And as always I am right, we have some medals to hand out this week for the hard working members. I would like to quickly remind all members in the team, that they are still something that you can all get, I hope to see a lot more medals coming in soon as well, but for now. The following medals were collected this week:
Cethgus - Cluster of Fire x14
Tollo Cluster of Fire x3, Crescent with Topaz Star
Melvin Cluster of Fire x3
Shadow Academy:
I would like to keep pointing out that the Shadow Academy does have its ways in which it is able to help people. I have learnt a lot from the academy in my time in the brother hood and I know that you all are able to take exams. It is always open and of course I would strongly advice that you all consider taking some exams every so often, it make sure that you still have some interest in the shadow academy. The Following exams were completed:
Robin Hawk Krath Grammar Studies, Safe Computing
Antie Combat Centre:
I personally find that this is a good way to practise writing and of course enjoy a good old fight to the death. You can take the SA exam or if you already have you can try and qualify. There is always a way in and then you can challenge people who you wish to fight. It's worth a shot but anyway this week it is:
Robin Hawk vs Cethgus Incendia Zor-El Winner: Robin Hawk
IRC disturbance:
Recently, Lucien and Phoenix have become aware of some of the chats that have been going on in the gaming channel #ARCvsCPvsCSP. There have been some very demeaning things against other members said in this channel. I will raise my hand and say that some of them I have been started, but as Lucien pointed out that we shouldnt be doing this. I decided to swallow my pride and did the right thing which was apologize to those members I insulted. This isnt the right thing to do, we should not start arguments in channels and learn by my actions, and dont do it. And for the records this was the warning given out by Lucien:
So I would like to remind you all once again, just dont do it, because they are being serious when they say that they will ban you from the feud.
Birthday announcement:
I would like to make an announcement for those of you who dont know, it is Thrans birthday today!, so can we give our great Quaestor a few bottles of brink, and three cheers, and of chores, Thran enjoy your birthday.
Clans Scholae Palatine Value:
Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do.
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.
Cethgus out
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