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**The Yuuzhan Vong attack!**
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<font size="6">F</font>eud hath begun!
Yes people you read write, the Clan Feud is on and it's a battle royale! Along with Clans Arcona and Scholae Palatinae it's a chance for all of us to get together and have some serious fun. There's loads of events over the course of the next three weeks everyone should find an event they especially enjoy, so something for everyone. Though it would be great to win this thing, I stress that this is something we should be enjoying, it's for fun. More on the Feud a bit further on.
You may have all noticed I am less on mIRC this past week but as I said in my earlier report it is entirely deliberate. Don't get me wrong, I love chatting to each and every one of you, indeed whenever I get online I typically have a juggling conversation contest with on average six other people. Love it, but then I'd never get anything done for the feud :P Rest assured I will still be going onto mIRC throughout the feud just not as much as usual. I still turn around emails incredibly quickly so if any of you need to talk to me or need me on mIRC for whatever reason just let me know.
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*CLAN FEUD - 'Uneasy Alliances' *
For the remaining three weeks this will probably be one of our big focuses. Each week sees the release of new competitions and events to participate in. It's very straight forward, just go follow this link: http://diabolos.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/UNEASYALLIANCES/news.html
Not only will you be able to try out different events each week but there are also events that occur throughout the entire feud, these include things like the ACC or Multiplayer gaming and of course those addictive but highly frustrating FLASH games. To really do well in this it requires good participation, if everyone had a go at every event we'd win it. Simple as that. So even if your not very good at some of the events just try to put something together, doesn't need to be a work of art or anything galaxy altering but even submitting something, anything does an incredible service to this Clan.
So I ask each and every one of you to have a go, that's all I am asking. Lots of emails have been and will be sent out during this event so I wont add to them but should any of you have any queries about this just let me know and I will do my best to help.
Trainers Wanted
Mister Bloodfyre is looking for trainers for the ACC, if its something you fancy having a go at then I encourage you to get in touch with him. Here is what he had to say:
**"Plain and simple. Trainers wanted. There's a couple now (3), one on leave (Quejo). I'd rather not have 2-3 people dealing with 8 battles a piece. I'd rather have 12 people dealing with one or two a piece at a time. I don't know that I need 12 now, but I'm interested in bringing on more Trainers as soon as possible. You want to be a part of it? Send me an email. Tell me about your time in the DB, shoot me off a piece of fiction, and especially tell me about your experience in the ACC.
No time limit. I'll be accepting applications until I feel like I have enough Trainers. Help your fellow Clanmates and DB friends. If you're a talented writer, we can definitely use you. If you like to read the work of others, I want you. To those who have already expressed interest in the past few days, expect me to be getting a hold of you tonight."**
You can contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
*Lets go shopping! *
You'll probably have noticed a few emails from people you know in the Brotherhood enticing you with some exciting shopping opportunities. All they ask in return is for you to click on a link. Needless to say it's a cunning trap, determined to irritate. If any of you see it, resist the urge to click it. I know it's difficult, I bet when you see it your finger caresses the left mouse button. STOP! Think of the children, think of all the little people! Quite how this got into the Dark Brotherhood foodchain is a mystery to me but it seems to delete your contacts and mails itself out to everyone you know.
I would recommend deleting any such email and changing your passwords on a regular basis. For extra protection make sure you have anti virus, spyware and firewall software active and kept up to date. Also as a final note of caution be careful about any sensitive information you store on your computers.
<font size="3">Chief Judge Kir Kararn names Tron!</font><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
After what must have been much soul searching Mister Kir AKA Chief Judge Katarn has named his right hand of justice. Astronicus "Tron" Aurelius Sadow, now there's a name you'd struggle with after a few pints of Tarisian Ale!</font>
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Current Competitions
Below is a list of events which House Exar Kun can take part in. The more you enter the better, not only will your leaders be REALLY impressed but who knows? You might actually win yourself a shiny!
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Title: **</td> <td>[CP] Current Events 07/08 **</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Requested By: </td> <td>OT Yzarc Rellik Kaeth </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specifics: </td> <td>The comings and goings of Dark Jedi, especially those hailing from the seat of power on Antei, are rarely, if ever, catalogued. Yet, there are adventures and opportunities in their every day lives; be it ceremonial or exploratory.
Write a story that involves your character and an event that either occurred (a discovery, a revelation, joining the Clan, a new Master/Apprentice pairing) or something that could feasibly happen to a Dark Jedi. Utilize your writing skills to write a fascinating tale that involves your character. If you need suggestions, please contact Consul Braecen ([BMCoffey13@aol.com](mailto:BMCoffey13@aol.com?subject=Current%20Events)) and Proconsul Yzarc ([yzarcrellik@gmail.com](mailto:yzarcrellik@gmail.com?subject=Current%20Events)) for ideas. </td>
</tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Start Date: </td> <td>7/10/2008 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>End Date: </td> <td>7/31/2008 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unit in Competition: </td> <td>Clan Plagueis </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Platforms: </td> <td>Entries must be at least two pages in length, font size 10, Arial or Times New Roman font and submitted in either .rtf, .doc or .wps; please double-space. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Awards: </td> <td>Third Level Crescents </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Comments: </td> <td>Please submit all entries to Braecen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) & Yzarc ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). </td> </tr> </table>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Title: **</td> <td>Death of a Clan **</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Requested By: </td> <td>SBL Raken </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specifics: </td> <td>Everything ends. Nations, worlds, stars, galaxies all will know their end in time. The cadres of dark Jedi in the Brotherhood have known existence but a few scant years. What is even their dark power compared to the inevitability of death? The universe has proven time and again that we all live at the mercy of another. Whether it is a super-power or a super nova does not matter. Nothing is forever.
OOC: Write a story telling of the end of your clan. How does it happen? Internecine fighting? An external force? Does your clan meet its end now or in the distant future? Author your clan's demise.
</tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Start Date: </td> <td>7/5/2008 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>End Date: </td> <td>8/5/2008 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unit in Competition: </td> <td>Entire DJB </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Platforms: </td> <td>Word or Rich Text Format in 12pt standard font. Single-spaced. Two page minimum. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Awards: </td> <td>2nd level Crescents for First, Second, & Third place. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Comments: </td> <td>Email submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please put [Fiction] in the subject line of your email. Include basic ID Line and PIN in the document file name or the submission cannot be counted. </td> </tr> </table>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Title: **</td> <td>Prophetical **</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Requested By: </td> <td>SBL Raken </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specifics: </td> <td>Power and knowledge. When combined by one steeped in the arts of the dark side of the Force anything becomes possible, even the foretelling of events yet to pass. For millennia, Jedi have heeded the words of ancient prophecies hoping at some chance to seize upon events unfolding in their time. Some prophecies have come to pass as originally scribed, some have realized themselves through sadistic twists of fate, and some have never been fulfilled at all.
Prophecies will always be with us. With ones like ourselves able to peel back the fabric of time and glimpse the future there will always be cryptic words foretelling salvation and doom alike. If there is any profit to be had from these dark tidings we must strive to understand them.
OOC: Create a prophecy that could come to pass in the near future of the Brotherhood. What omens does it portend? When and where did it originate? Will it play out as described or is there some deeper meaning hidden within its lines? How will it impact the Brotherhood?
</tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Start Date: </td> <td>7/5/2008 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>End Date: </td> <td>8/5/2008 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unit in Competition: </td> <td>Entire DJB </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Platforms: </td> <td>Word or Rich Text Format in 12pt standard font. Single-spaced. Two page minimum. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Awards: </td> <td>2nd level Crescents for First, Second, & Third place. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Comments: </td> <td>Email submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please put [Fiction] in the subject line of your email. Include basic ID Line and PIN in the document file name or the submission cannot be counted. </td> </tr> </table>
<font size="6">H</font>ere are some good links for you to visit. If there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.
Clan Feud - Uneasy Alliances [
ICTE web site (multi player gaming better known as Iced Tea): [
Dark Brotherhood - our organisation's web site
Clan Plagueis - our clan web site
mIRC - for all our meetings and general chit chat
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Wikipedia - Super sized archive with all sorts of weird and wonderful information
Shadow Academy - take courses and further your understanding [<font color="#cccccc">
<p> *noun * boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
<p> ORIGIN Spanish _bravada _, from _bravo _ brave'. </p>
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**Looks good doesn't it? Beware! As this stuff can melt through steel!**
</td> </tr> </table> <p>Your probably all a little curious as to why I am showing the dictionary definition of 'bravado', well really I ought to forget the word bravado and instead put in the word idiot. As that's probably a more accurate word to describe me. Recently I decided to go out and treat myself to an Indian meal. Recent problems with my Fix Or Repair Daily motor had left me in a rather sour mood. My company car had developed a rather cool new ability. This special ability introduced the element of surprise to your driving.</p> <p>Surprise? Yes, lets say your hurtling along a road at speed you might for instance want to continue driving along said road? Not this car, as sometimes it wants to go to the left then to the right. Either way it was entirely at random and did it with such severity I was wondering if my car wanted to become an off road vehicle. Anyway, after that small misery I decided to treat myself to a meal.</p> <p>When your eating spicey food it is generally recommended you stick to something that wont, say blow your brains out? But you get there, grab a seat and with menu in hand declare to the bemused waiter that there isn't a hot meal you can't stomache. Hence the word bravado. My wife helpfully suggest I go with something that wouldn't be like swallowing a grenade with the pin pulled out but I knew better. Sure enough the meal arrived, I spilt a drop on the table cloth and watched in mock horror as the sauce burnt it's way through the table and started eating its way through the carpeted floor. Yes, this was battery acid!</p> <p>At this point I was mildy concerned, not wishing to demonstrate my growing terror to my wife I proudly declared that this would be easy and I would polish off every last morsal. Yes people, I had condemened myself to death. Thus I attacked the meal with considerable gusto, devouring it like I had been starved for a week! My wife gazed on, clearly concerned. The reason for this was the ever growing sweat which was pouring off me and the fact that my face had turned the colour of blood. I did as it happened clear my plate and after drinking a gallon of water...perhaps even five declared that it was easy. A blatent lie that frankly no one believed.</p> <p>The following morning I woke up, yes a grenade had been exploded in my gut and I spent the remainder of my morning 'recovering' in the toilet. Happy times.
<p>That's it for this week, I should say despite some ongoing issues the weather has taken a turn for the better, or worse depending on how you look at it. Gone are the rain and other miserable weather and instead welcome the heat wave. Godo's do not operate well at extreme temperatures. So with sunshades and hat in hand I bid you all farewell till next weeks report.</p>
<p>Now go out there and win us this feud, and if we win I might be prepared to do something rather unexpected... </p>
<p>Your servant,
Godo Nurok </p></p>
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