Jade sat down and waited for her members to arrive, they were all a little surprised she had arrived first; normally she waited till they had all arrived before entering in some grand show. She watched as they each gave a small pause in their step, reached out with their senses to see if there were any guards around, ready to throw them out on their butts, before continuing and finding their chairs.
She took her time. Assessing each one, noticing how they each sat up straight and looked at her as her jet black eyes rolled over them. Finally she spoke, her voice dark and very deep, Welcome back Night Hawks. Im impressed; you have really started to step things up. Its time the Clan was reminded just who the Night Hawks are and what we stand for. Im pleased to say you are beginning to do that. She paused letting them all feel satisfied for a brief moment before she leapt up from her seat onto the table, drawing her sword as she did the motion and slicing the blade down into the table. Impressive only to a certain point. You are the ELITE you need to show that. I expect more from you! Now get out there! She drew her sword from the table and pointed towards the door. When no one moved she narrowed her eyes and growled Go!
They quickly got up and headed for the door, a droid at the exit made sure each one had a data pad before the doors were even unlocked. And DONT forget to read the report!
OCC: You are required to do AT LEAST ONE battle team competition a week, in order to stay in the Night Hawks.
OCC: If there is a member you think deserves to be invited into the Night Hawks email me or find me on IRC and let me know!
Krath TetrarchBTL--Jade Imperial--Dark Jedi Knight--Fallen (AKA. The Sword)
Sith Flight LeaderZaxen DauketrenalJedi HunterEnforcer (AKA. The Hilt)
Sith Flight LeaderZaroth KalikrayyeJedi HunterEnforcer Sith
Flight Member - Ekeia Iclo Jedi Hunter Hawk
Sith Flight MemberNik WallsNoviceTrainee
Sith Flight MemberDismal Ryokou-AmorWarriorEnforcer
Sith Flight Member Laigerick Ryokou-Amor Jedi HunterEnforcer
Krath TyroRavenPriestEnforcer 2nd Class
We welcome in:
Raven! Welcome to the Elite Night Hawks!!
Zaxen cited his oath for DJK so Im looking forward to him becoming Knighted! Awesome Job!!
Laigerick has been promoted to Enforcer! Great work!!!
Dismal has been promoted to Enforcer!! Kick ass job!!
Keia has been promoted to Hawk!! Awesome Job!!!
Below you will find how many competitions you have to do to get to the next rank and what the ranks are in order.
Keia--> 1x comps for Vulture
Zaroth-->3x comps for Hawk
Zaxen 1X comps for Hawk
Nik 3X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class
Dismal2X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class
Laigerick2X comps for Hawk
Raven3X Comps for Enforcer
Fighting Style:
Thanks to Alaric for coming up with a style for Night Hawks alone. This is something you are ALL to use while writing in Run Ons and fictions. It is a style ONLY YOU are privileged enough to learn and to use by being a Night Hawk member. So learn it and use it well!!!
Floating Shadow
The Night Hawks utilize a unique fighting style known as Floating Shadow. Developed by Mal'ari'carun, first Blade of the Night Hawks, it is based on the principles of misdirection prominent in the Chiss style of Carinor. Additionally, it utilizes highly formalized Force techniques to add to the confusion of the opponent and assist with misdirection, as well as in the execution of the physical techniques themselves. Clan Naga Sadow has always specialized in the application of telekinesis, but the elite of House Marka Ragnos bring those applications to a new level. Among the adherents of Floating Shadow there are three ranks.
The primary rank, taught to the first tier of Night Hawks, utilizes the normal techniques of Carinor coupled with brushes of the opponent's mind with the Force to distract them at key moments, as well as light but precise use of telekinesis to overbalance and trip up their enemy.
The Second Rank of Floating Shadow, taught to the Second Tier of the Night Hawks, builds on the initial repertoire as previously explained while adding new Force Elements. This Rank uses a combination of Modify Senses with Projective Telepathy to seem to darken the arena and blend into the Shadows. There is no actual physical affect, but the Force can have a powerful influence over the weak minded. Additionally, they apply telekinesis to the air around them, reflecting it against surrounding surfaces to launch them into the air and remain floating for up to a minute at a time. This is relatively useless for defense but does allow strikes from a multitude of unexpected angles.
The Final Rank, taught only to the last rank of Night Hawks, utilizes the powers of Absence and Flight, actually draining all light from the arena and applying telekinesis to fly around their opponent indefinitely. Only the most dedicated can master this Final Rank, and often even the Blade himself cannot duplicate all the attendant techniques.
The practitioner's body is angled towards their opponent, the forward foot pointed out and the rear foot at a ninety degree angle to the forward foot. The body is drawn in so the tailbone is even with the neck and spine, but the knees are kept bent. This gives the practitioner a solid base to attack from while allowing them to remain mobile.
Most strikes are dealt from the shoulder in a whipping or thrusting motion that channels energy from the center of the practitioner to their strike. Kicks are often utilized, primarily round-house and other curving attacks as it allows the wielder to build up momentum prior to striking.
There are no blocks in Carinor. Instead, it uses parries to redirect the attacker's force and overpower them. Unlock most styles, it features blocks using both arms and legs. It also features many techniques designed to disarm opponents wielding a variety of weapons.
Practitioners of Floating Shadow are constantly in motion, whether through quick-stepping and rolling, or through floating and flight. They tend to circle their opponents, often quickly changing directions at the least expected time.
Floating Shadow is taught only to the members of Night Hawks, and former members are sworn not to pass on their knowledge, on penalty of death for both themselves and their students. The Primary Rank is taught to those members who are Trainee to Hawk. The Secondary Rank is taught to those members who are Eagle/Crow/Vulture to Slayer/Warlock/Assassin. The Final Rank is taught to those members who are Demon/Fallen/Evoker. Training is a long process, generally taking years for even the most talented practitioners to master.
Get out and have fun!!
The New positions-The Blade
Known as really the one who makes sure the Night Hawks know how to fight have their very own fighting style to set them apart from the rest of the brotherhood. The position recently made as a way to strengthen the training, and give a specific go to guy when the Sword, Aka BTL, is otherwise occupied or on a mission. Also allows for more specific one on one fighting and training to be available.
With all new appointments there is a party, how would you congratulate the first appointed Blade?
Half a page minimum, 5 page maximum. 12 point font.
The New Positions-The Hilt
Known as really the one who makes sure the Night Hawks history is recorded and told to the generations to come. They are also the key communications officer of the team, and keep a close contact with the Sword as well the teams' member's. They are responsible for teaching the Night Hawk Members the history of the Team and all the hidden locations and treasures that can be used should they ever be separated from the team and need a safe haven.
With all new appointments there is a party, how would you congratulate the first appointed Hilt?
Half a page minimum, 5 page maximum. 12 point font
Dress the QUA
Specifics: (open to ALL HMR)
Tired of seeing the same old robes on our QUA? Well now is your chance to
fashion him some brand new clothes, trick is you can use anything you want
to make your designer wear!!! From Trash bags, to ropes, to even toilet
paper, it's all up to you.
Your assignment is to create our QUA's next outfit! Draw by hand,
computer, whatever, your idea for the QUA's next outfit!!! Multiple entries allowed
Specifics: (Open to all of CNS)
During the recent war with the Vong many Clansmen fought hard, and many lost their lives to defending the Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. Your task is to design a monument in their honor, something that can be proudly displayed. The names of those who were lost and those who were honored will be placed on this monument (separate areas), so room for this should be allowed, either at the bottom, top, middle, wherever depending on your design.
Quote the Star Wars Movie 6
Specifics: (open to all of CNS)
Same rules. Give me the character and the movie for each quote. Half
points if only the character or movie title is given.
1)"Ohhh! Great warrior! Wars not make one great!"
2)A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion.
3)I can assure you they will never get me onto one of those dreadful starships!
4)Your father was seduced by the dark side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed.
5) It only takes one to sound the alarm.
6) I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin. Even more powerful than Master Yoda.
7) You're going to pay for all the Jedi that you killed today, Dooku.
8) Blast! This is why I hate flying!
9) I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.
10) There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you. [pauses] Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training.
The Night Hawks have been developing a new small weapon, used more in defense then for attack. This weapon is like the smoke bombs you see on movies that people throw and allow themselves a cover in which to escape under.
Your Task is to draw this weapon. Perhaps use your detailed explanation from the detailed part of this competition (better if this occurs).
Winning entry will be placed on the Night Hawk wiki.
Malaricun has one as well. This one will help you to build up your characters background more allow for easy RP on run ons as well as input for your wiki! Go check it out! Its fun!!
Medals Galore!!
I am currently implementing a New reward system for the Night Hawks. Your job is to design a Medal based on the following. There are 3 medals to design. Each will have a winner would will get the crescent and laced on the Night Hawk Wiki.
Clawed Spirit
The Last in the standing of the three activity awards. This depicts the claw of the Night Hawk masquot. Gold in colour with a jet black back ground. Lighting bolts of silver are pin striped through the claw. Given to those members who have received 4 Darkness Bidden awards. Shows that the receiver has loyalty and courage in their heart to bring their fellow Battle Team members to a high standing and to show just how proud they are to be a night Hawk Elite.
The Daggers Beak
A coveted and hard to obtain award. This Medal is a rarity in its awarding. Given only to those who have done a mission for the Battle Team leader, and brought the Night Hawks to a proud and noble standing by their actions.
MORE ON THE WAY!!! Lol yes I still have some competitions that have yet to be approved.
Shadow Academy Courses:
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor has passed Force Philosophy and Obelisk Core! AWESOME JOB!!!
ACC Battles:
SBM Derev Niroth vs. JH Laigerick Ryokou-Amor with JH Laigerick Ryokou-Amor coming out the victor! Awesome job you two!!!
DJK Deatharoc vs. JH Zaroth Kalikrayye with DJK Deaharoc coming out the Victor. Great work Zaroth! I love how you constantly go for the ACC!!!
Competitions Entered:
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor has entered the BG comp for Derev
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor entered the NPC Creation
Ekeia entered the new ACC logo comp
Jade has entered Alraics Character comp
Jade has entered Red 5
Jade has entered the NPC Creation
Jade has entered the NPC Creation
Remember to CC me on your entries!!
IRC Presence:
Zaxen has been spotted on IRC
Ekeia has been spotted on IRC
Dismal has been spotted on IRC
Laigerick has been spotted on IRC
Raven has been spotted on IRC
Jade has been spotted on IRC
Run on Prescence:
The run on is stalled for the moment only to return shortly so make sure you get out there and post to it!!! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5328&pid=177732&st=0&#entry177732
Dismal Ryokou-Amor received a Crescent with Emerald Star
Dismal Ryokou-Amor received a Cluster of Fire
Dismal Ryokou-Amor received a Dark Side Scroll
Dismal Ryokou-Amor received a Dark Side Scroll
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor received a crescent with Topaz Star
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor received a Crescent with Sapphire Star
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor received a Cluster of Fire
Laigerick Ryokou-Amor received a Pendant of Blood
Ekeia Iclo received a Crescent with Quartz star
Jade received a Crescent with Topaz Star
Jade received a Crescent with Topaz Star
Jade received a Crescent with Emerald Star
Jade received a Crescent with Emerald Star
Jade received a Steel Cross
WOW!!! I love to see this list growing!! Keep it up guys!
The Swords Real Life:
Been busy trying to unpack and learn the guitar. Other then that Im afraid there isnt too much to say at the moment. I know and its summer even!! I should be out having fun! LOL well maybe some day ;)
In Closing:
Im really impressed you guys are getting out there, doing the ACC, the SA, IRC, Comps and getting all kinds of Medals!! It warms my little dark heart to see you all active and showing off the Night Hawk wit and style! Keep it up guys and gals!
Oh and dont forget to check out the fighting style as well as remember you need to do one comp a week to stay in the Night Hawks!!!
We miss you so hurry back soon guys and gals!!
Ekeia until August 7th
Zaxen until August 31st
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