Justicar Report


Justicar Report

Typically I save my reports for very important news or the results of cases, but since a few months have gone by since my last report, I've decided it's time to grace the DB with another.

Wiki Featured Article!

The Chamber of Justice wiki page is the featured article for the month of August - if you haven't checked it out yet, you should. This should wet your appetite for the rest of the info found in the CoJ Category of the wiki. Go nuts, read it all!

SA Featured Course!

Continuing the CoJ's domination of the DB...the Headmaster has made the CoJ course the current featured Shadow Academy course! This means you should go take it right now if you haven't already. Also...

CoJ SA Course Competition!

The Chamber of Justice course in the Shadow Academy is nearing the fifty graduate mark, and so I'm going to award those members who help reach it.

First place will go to the member who is graduate #50, with second and third place going to graduates #49 and #51. The course can be found here, crescents will be awarded to the winners! Go take it now! And once you're done, you might be interested in...

Advanced CoJ SA Course Coming Soon!

I have written an advanced Chamber of Justice course for the Shadow Academy and submitted it to Aabs to be posted. I know he has a lot of courses in development right now so I'm not sure when exactly it will be available, but it shouldn't be too long - I'll notify everyone when it is available.

The new course covers some of the more difficult concepts from the "intro" course, and also introduces some new concepts including types of law and Brotherhood precedents. It will be a good challenge and I'll encourage all of you to take it when it's released.

Also I'm working with the Headmaster to possibly develop a new SA "Law" degree, and knowing how I like this, I promise it will be a challenge for all of you :)

Cloning Reminder

Just a couple quick reminders about cloning and multiple accounts/shared IPs - since I spend a lot of my time lately dealing with these issues.

1) If you share a computer or house with another member of the DB, you must inform me of this so I can add you to the list of members with shared IP addresses. This will prevent me from sending you a questioning email concerning a potential cloning violation!

2) If you have run out of time for the DB, or just want a break, you should request a transfer to the Rogues (Admin, Member Center). When you decide to return do not create a new character, just log back in as your old character and request a transfer back into a clan. If you create a new character the database will tell me, I'll email you, and I'll end up deleting one of the dossiers...so don't do that!

That's all for this report, as always if you have any questions/comments/anything you want me to know about, just email me or catch me on IRC.

Signed and Sealed in Justice,

Dark Jedi Master Kir Katarn

Justicar and High Protector of the Dark Brotherhood

As if the CoJ SA course wasn't hard enough, there has to be an 'Advanced' version. Woot! Yay for Kir being a kick ass Justicer! <3


Why does there have to be an advanced one...why... :(

Just kidding, I'm looking forward to meeting the challenge.

Awww. I thought Kir was dead

Way to ruin my summer :(

Sklib wins for best report comment.

....and he's expelled.

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