Greetings, Arcano Signum! This is Sergeant Ronovi Tavisaen with yet another report.
Changes in the Battle Team
As you guys have probably noticed already, the roster for Arcano Signum is considerably smaller, and only four of you are being e-mailed. That's because Scion, as our new Aedile, has carried out my wishes to have all inactive members removed from the team. The three of you from before, however, have responded to my e-mails when I've asked you to, proving that you're willing to remain active. Congratulations: You are survivors!
That being said, I want you all to welcome our newest member. Apprentice Septim Jagastus has just been transferred to Gladius and already begun his SA studies. This a great start for him and I'd to see more from him, so I want the rest of you to support him as he rises in rank.
Clan Comp
"Of the Past" is still going on, and once again, here are the links: (stand alone events, run-on discussion) (run-on)
Now, I've noticed that only I and another Arcano Signum member has posted in the run-on and I've received no notifications of any of you participating in the stand alone events. There is now a trivia comp that has been posted in the run-on discussion board as well as another competition added on through Consul Anshar's e-mail to the Clan. I want to say again, do not be afraid to try out for these comps. You can win some medals, and even if you don't get medals, you're showing your Clan and House summit that you're active and partaking in the clan events. That's a big plus for your reputation and future recognition and respect in the Brotherhood.
If some of you are considering posting in the run-on but are worried about not getting the plot, let me give you an abridged version of it: Some volunteers have left the Doomsday and gone to explore this rogue ship, the Renegade, only to find that it is overrun by angry spirits. These spirits have been rounded up by the ghosts of seven Dark Jedi who hate Clan Tarentum for sealing them up in something called the Crystal of Tears. Now free, they take advantage of the ship's spirits' rage against their former commander, Oberst, and are now just attacking the volunteers that have been rounded up in a single room. These seven Dark Jedi wish for a body again, so the Consul, his spirit having been stripped of his body, is now possessed unbeknownst the other ships' knowledge. The rest of the story involves a girl and our Clan power, necromancy.
Now, don't worry too much about this: I recommend, if you do post in the run-on, that you start on the Doomsday and maybe stay there. A lot of Tarentum members are helping out by watching surveillance or figuring out answers to questions. For those of you who have made it on the ship, it's best to detail that we're about to get our asses kicked by ghosts. See my latest post for details. It all sounds intimidating at first, but some good reading should do the trick if you still don't get what's going on. I just want you to try at participation. Don't worry; if you need help, ask for it.
We've had a lot of things done in the past week, so let's list them as such:
Balia Donos
Donos was promoted to Acolyte! Congratulations!
Donos also passed the Sith Core SA course! Huzzah!
Donos also passed the Training Saber SA course! ¡Olé!
Donos also passed the Starfighters Studies SA course! Yippee!
Septim Jagastus
Septim has just been transferred here and is already showing great promise!
Septim got a perfect score on the History of the Sith Empire SA course! Awesome!
Septim also passed the Sith Alchemy SA course! Woot!
Septim also passed the Weapons Basics SA course! Yay!
We've certainly got some academic stuff going here. I'd love to see some character histories done as well and some participation in Brotherhood and Clan comps! That'll just make it so much better.
Arcano Signum comp: Response is MANDATORY.
Being the slightly paranoid battle team leader that I am, I want to hear something from you guys! Donos has been the only one I've been able to talk to with on IRC since the rest of you do not frequent the channel, to my dismay. Because I've been able to communicate with Donos, we've been discussing various ideas for the next Arcano Signum competition!
Last time I put two separate comps to be participated in; this time, I'm aiming for three. Therefore, it is required that all four of you e-mail me with the answer to the following question:
What would you like to do in the next Arcano Signum comp?
The e-mail can be three paragraphs or one line; it doesn't matter. It can even just say, "I don't know." But I want to hear from you guys. Not only does it show me that you're interested in what's going on in the team, but it also, once again, serves as an activity check. I know I'm not subtle, but I love talking to you guys!
Want a Promotion?
Get active! Submit to House, Clan, and Brotherhood competitions; take SA courses, visit IRC, and get to know your higher-ups. If you have done any of these, let me, your Aedile, and your Quaestor know so we can document your activity. A promotion is a hard-earned achievement, so you must work, work, work to get it.
Questions, Suggestions, Concerns?
Contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
May darkness guide you all.
-GRD Ronovi Tavisaen/SGT/Gladius of Tarentum
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