Greetings, Arcano Signum! This is Sergeant Ronovi Tavisaen reporting once again!
DB Troubles
As you all know, the Dark Brotherhood site was attacked by vicious malware and had to be rebooted. While most of the tables were left unscathed, one table for medals had to be fixed while the Shadow Academy had to be shut down for some time. We were fortunate enough to have everything else intact, but obviously it was quite a scare.
As a safety caution, I urge all of you to scan your computers for malware or viruses. Even if you don't think you caused, the damage was inadvertently caused by a member. It's best to take precautions so this hopefully doesn't happen again.
Clan News
Clan Comp is still going, and still no participation from anyone save for one member! Here are the links, as usual: (stand alone events, run-on discussion) (run-on)
While I'm a bit concerned to not hear from a lot of you, even though we're a small group, I figure that perhaps some of you at some point will participate. Keep in mind, the stand-alone events all end on August 14th.
Everyone please welcome Raidan Vanda to House Gladius and to Arcano Signum! I hope to see him begin activity at any time.
Balia Donos has had the honor to be awarded a Dark Cross for his activity, participation, and involvement in the House and Clan's well-being!
Balia Donos has also been promoted to Protector for his work!
Balia Donos has also passed the Capital Starship Studies SA course!
Like I always say, being active brings just rewards. Donos deserved his Dark Cross because he is a marvelous asset to our team, House, and Clan, and if you guys work for it, you can be, too.
Arcano Signum Comp - It's Started!
Since ALL BUT ONE OF YOU failed to reply to the question in my last report (which scares me - I spared you guys from elimination because I thought you were active!), I have worked with Donos to produce three separate comps for the team! The links are below and all submissions must be e-mailed to me as [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Also, all three comps start today and their deadlines are listed on their respective pages:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3712 - "A Day in the Life",%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3710 - "Dark Side Poetry",%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3711 - "Arcano Signum: What's Our Motto?"
I hope you enjoy these comps, and remember that there are medals up for grabs!
Want a Promotion?
Get active! Submit to House, Clan, and Brotherhood competitions; take SA courses, visit IRC, and get to know your higher-ups. If you have done any of these, let me, your Aedile, and your Quaestor know so we can document your activity. A promotion is a hard-earned achievement, so you must work, work, work to get it.
Questions, Suggestions, Concerns?
Contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
May darkness guide you all.
-GRD Ronovi Tavisaen/SGT/Gladius of Tarentum
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