Welcome to another Friday Edition of the VUNDU REPORT!! This is another short one as pretty much all the news has been beaten to death with a limp noodle, resurrected and drowned in a bowl of Cheerios. But I will say it. The Feud is on the home stretch, so we all need to give one last push to get us home.
I do have a couple congrats, well ok one. And it goes to:
GRD Bal Demona for his Crescent with Sapphire Star.
Well, I finally get a day off, and I am gonna enjoy it! Im heading north to visit an amusement park/ water park. So unless Anyone has some new business to raise, or some old business to reopen and pour salt in I shall bid you all a good night and God Bless.
By this time next week, we should have lots to go over regarding the results of the Feud, and the War of Ascension raising its ugly head again. So look forward to a nice long bathroom read next week.
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