Blades of Chaos Battle Team Leader Report
Sitting in his office the Prelate relaxed feeling for once that nothing could go wrong, but as always things around here were still chaos. As he put his feet up onto his desk and leaned back on the chair he was sitting in, his first thought that came across to him was where had the time gone. Things seemed to be going past now days like nothing. He has spent most of his time wondering what he was going to do with his team. After a while he got a glass out and a bottle of liquor onto his desk.
Planning to do something that would involve all of them as one unit, but in these times everything was unpredictable, no-one knew what would happen. So he decided that it would be best if he started work on the pile of paperwork that was in front of him. After all the team had been through it seemed that each time there would be something waiting to challenge them, try them once more. Standing up he began to do what he usually did at these times, he started to pace around in his office wondering.
Well, just one main thing on the news and this is in case you havent kept up to date with the news. WE WON, that is right CSP came first in the feud, I am proud to say that thanks to everyone who played there part in this, it really has shown. I am just proud to be part of this clan, and well done to everyone who also helped.
I would like to say that I am sure we will see more medals soon for everyone that gained some during the feud. Let's get things back into motion people and start work ASAP on getting our medals back up. The medals for this week are as follows:
Melvin CFs x4
Shadow Academy:
Again, I haven't had an exam come in from you in a while, so let's get out of there and start to do some Shadow Academy. Though I know this week is going slow, and the website is only just back up, so I wish to see a break of activity coming my way once, Even though I havent had an exam through, I have had something a bit higher, the following:
Reiden - Dark Maven Philosophy
I wish that you tired to do the ACC most of the time, it gives you a good way of practising your writing skills. I would like to see you qualify into the ACC, and start to do matches against people, even if you have to do them against me, it for some fun and I want to see you get active and into everything.
If you need any work I will be able to give you some work, so just remember that and give me a PM or an email. I am sure that I will be able to gather some work up for you to do, even if it keeps you busy for the afternoon.
Song of the week:
My original one we had was to do with something else, but since I only got one links, and its a funny one I would like to take a moment to say thanks for this one link. But next week I want the song to have something about war into it. The following song is this weeks (be advised, its stupid):
Cethgus out
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