House Marka Ragnos
Quaestor Report
Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth
Report # 6/24
In this report..
*House Feud
*House Summit
*House Training
*Master Student Program
*Battleteam Update
*Note on Leaders
Yup, Yup, It's a Quaestor Report! Been a long couple of weeks with the website crashing and everyone offline, but we are back in action now! Tomorrow starts off the House Feud, so there'll be plenty for you all to do. Alaric will be taking the lead for the Feud, I'll be in a back seat, not to mention running the Feud itself. As you all know, I also started college during the outage, as well as my college job, working for my schools Athletics Department (my first day was a womens volleyball tournament...if you know what women volleyball players wear, you understand why this was a good first day :D).
House Feud
We've about beat this to death, but you all know what is in store in the next fourty days. Tomorrow, you'll have a great picture of what you can do and what events are open! This will be a major event, and I will heavily reward activity, so do your part, and lets take home the title of First House of Naga Sadow!!
House Summit
I just wanted to take a moment to run down everything with everything thats happened over the last month..
Raven- Night Hawks BTL
Mitsuhide- Avatars of Woe BTL
House Training
Alaric will send out a document, as well as update the HMR Training Wiki soon, outlining the new training program. Basically, it utilizes the five members of the Summit to handle training directly, rather then using Battleteams for training. This will go into effect immediately upon Alaric sending it out.
Master Student Program
We also have some adjustments to the House MSP. Jade will outline these shortly as well, and will also go into effect immediately.
Battleteam Update
The Night Hawks and Avatars of Woe are the sole BTs of the House for now. Both teams are working to recruit members, if you want to be apart of either one, let me or Alaric know and we'll get you transfered in.
Note on Leaders
I want to take a moment to address something. This is mostly aimed at the summit, but I feel its important for everyone to know it. I will not tolerate any extended disappearance without knowing about it. Most of the summit has my phone number, those of you who don't, shoot me a line and I'll give it to you. If you're unexpectly gone for a day or two, thats fine. That being said, once you hit day 4 and 5 of no one knowing where you are, you're going to get fired. Me and Alaric are both reachable constantly because of our phones. We can get email, IMs, IRC, instant messages, etc. There's no excuse for us not to know where you are.
For members, if your leader appears to be gone, let us know. I won't tolerate it, and I'll simply fire you. On top of that, if you haven't seen or heard from me in a few days..make a point that you do. If you haven't been seen by anyone, haven't sent any emails, ect, how do we know you aren't around ?
That's all I've got. Alaric will be on point for the duration of the Feud. I want to see a good showing from HMR, theres no reason we can't win this Feud. See ya next week!
SBM Derev Niroth (Sith)/QUA-EP/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: TRN]
SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoR / AC / DC / GN-BL / BN / Cr-2E / PoB / CF-PF / DSS-AuL / SI-BL / SoL / LS-PL / S:-11D-4P
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