Hey all!
Ok so here we go.
We have had one new transfer into the house, APP Exan Zerker. Welcome to the house, I know I for one shall watch your training with great interest.
Ok so my blurb. Get out there and do stuff!! Its for your house!! Its also a great way to develop your character and earn some shinnies!!
Go look at the list of things to do here: www.dbmember.com/inos
Like wise you can find the Clan run on here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?s=50b2e8fdff4e7ac75fe520e8a7472798&showtopic=5405
There are a bunch of new guidelines for Masters and students, Ill paste them here in a moment for you. However one thing that needs reminding is ALL masters, meaning those who have HMR students, must email me but Wednesday of EACH WEEK with an update on their student.
The Master Student Pairings that we currently have are as follows.
Master Student(s)
DJM Astronicus Aurelius Sadow
KE Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
DJM Shan Long
Nero Pennant
SBM Shikyo
Ekeia Iclo, Tritherus
DP Muz Keibatsu Sadow
Zaroth Kalikrayye
SBM Derev Niroth
KP Jades "Imperial" Atema
Teu, Aranas
KAP Mitsuhide Akechi
Kalei Basai
KPN Shin'ichi Keibatsu Sadow
Nassin Zye
SBM Ashura Isradia
Joseph Skirata, TBA
Those as per the Wiki website, if I have missed anyone please let me know!!
OK and here are the new Requirements for both Master and Student.
The following are the weekly requirements for masters as well as some expectations from the programs point of view.
Any Master must be at least a DJK or above in rank.
A Master is required to email their student at least 2 times a week. All emails must have the Roll Master CCed in them. After one week where this has not happened the master will be questioned, if there has been no reasonable response given to the Roll Master then the Master will be kicked out of the program, to return only by way of the QUAs permission. After two weeks of this not occurring the Master will automatically be dismissed, again with approval from the QUA they may return to the program. It will also be up to the QUA if the Master returns full force or if they will be under a probation.
Every Wednesday of each week an update of the students progress shall be sent to the Roll Master. This should included how email interactions have worked out, the tasks in which the student has finished working on, as well as the tasks that are currently being worked on. There should also be an approximate timeline for these yet to be finished tasks.
A Master is also required to keep a presence or an appearance within the Clan/House. This meaning they must be taking part in emails, forums, IRC, competitions, RO, and/or whatever DB or Clan wide competition may be happening at the time. Should this fail for reasons other then a stated LOA, the Roll Master will first contact the Master to discuss the issue. If it can not be resolved then the Roll Master will speak with the QUA, who will either give approval for the RM to dismiss the Master or will speak to the Master personally before removing them from the program.
Each month the students and the master will fill out a small review on each other. Should these reviews show that the pairing is not working out then the student will be reassigned.
When applying to become a Master for the first time or when reapplying to be let in by the QUA a small write up detailing why they would like to be a master and what they hope to get out of the program must accompany their request. This write up should be at least one paragraph in length no more then 2 in total. Also 3 of the following must be met:
1)Have at least 2 medals from competitions entered within the past month of applying to be a master.
2)Participating in whatever run on may currently be going on
3)Have submitted a competition within the past month (ie. created a comp)
4)At least one SA Course done within the past month.
5)Be active in whatever House/Clan/DJB wide event may be going on at the time or just past.
Students are required to take an active role in their training as well; as such these are the expectations of the apprentices.
Apprentices are required to do the tasks set forth by them from their masters. Should a constant LOA be cropping up with lengths varying up to a month, the student will be removed from the program until such a time as they can properly work on the tasks needed to be promoted. At which time they will apply to the Roll Master, requesting to be let back into the program. In this email they may request the Master that they had previously, based upon the approval of the previous Master this request will be allowed. However if they are removed from the program 2 times, the second time they will not be given the same Master, and if they are removed a third time then they will not be allowed back into the program unless they have the QUAs approval.
Masters will be giving the apprentices tasks and a time line to have these tasks done. Should tasks not be achieved within the time slotted, continuously, then the student will be questioned, as well as the Master. Should it be determined that the pairing is not working out the student shall be reassigned. Should it be determined that the student is just too busy in RL to take on the role of apprentice they will be removed from the program until a time at which they can properly take part.
Students will also fill out a monthly evaluation on their master. Should it be determined that the student and master pair is not working then the student will be reassigned.
Feel free to reach me anytime all of ya, either on IRC or gmail, or email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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