Herald Report


Herald Report

So due to real life issues consuming my Staff, I have decided to give a new Staff a chance to get some work done and earn some shinies. That said, I would like to reintroduce Raven as Praetor and welcome Faeril Munlear of CNS and Robin Hawk of CSP to my Staff. Congrats to them! For their work as Staff members, Tyren has earned a very well deserved Sapphire Blade and Jerse has earned himself a Steel Cross. I thank these guys for all the work they’ve provided.

Now, with that said, I wanna talk about something very close and dear to my heart. On Oct. 6th, I will have served as Herald for a full year. This will be the longest position I have held in my DB career. So, I want to do something special for the people. I don’t know what but tell me what ya think would be cool. Email me, poke me on IRC, give me feedback. I know I’m going to do one thing in particular and no, I’m not going to tell you what it is.

With that, let’s get on with the show.

Andan Taldrya Marshall

Vodo Biask

Vladet Xavier

Davin Olar

Tritus d'Tana

Zaxen Dauketrenal

Reiden Karr

Completed by Raven:


Lucan Caineghis

Completed by Robin Hawk:

Dock Alfar

Vampre Gortose

Tra’an Reith

Ronovi Tavisaen

Vladet Xavier

So as I stated in my last report, I paid off my tuition for school and I got my books. This past week was my first, full week of college. Man, have I missed out. It’s been really hectic with my work schedule but it’s still frickin’ sweet. The only thing I really hate is the fact that I have to work tons of overtime just to make sure my work week stays normal. Oh well. It’s the price ya pay.

Now, I know Aabsdu mentioned this in his report but I don’t know if he provided the link to the trailer.


Check it out. It does look like it’ll be hardcore.

If anyone needs me, please feel free to email me or find me on IRC at #HRLD_office. Stats will be at the end of this paragraph. Peace out my homies!

Robes: 2

Lightsabers: 31

Warbanners: 163

Miscellaneous: 130

-KE Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu

Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline

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