Dark Greetings, my brethren.
It is one of those times... when the oceans roar and mountains stay still.... when birds fly and fishes swim... it is time for a QUAESTOR REPORT!!!!!!!
So, stuff that happened this week:
1.) DB site is back up! But it's still woozy from the last intrusion. {Perversion intended}
2.) NO submissions for my competition {which, by mistake has no unit in competition. But we all know it's for the entire House} Tomorrow is the last day for submission. The URL for the game is http://www.nekogames.jp/mt/2008/01/cursor10.html
3.) House Run On vote! Reply with "Upgrade" or "Discard" to Ronovi's report if you wish to edit and upgrade the run on, or discard and start afresh respectively.
Stuff that will happen this week
1.) NEW GAME COMPETITION! http://www.blastone.com/games/vector Play this game {whose URL I have forgotten to put in the competition detail}. Get a screenshot of you even playing the game and you get a Cr-Q!
2.) Voting on the run on should finish off before Ronovi's next report.
3.) Frey will be flying to the Far West. So.. sniffle. Bye... temporarily :P
4.) I'd like to hear stuff from you guys, so a reply to this report will be appreciated. :)
RL Stuff
So I did a fine job with my mechanical sciences test, as well as basic electronics and mathematics test. Overall college has been fine except that my workload has stayed the same. And I believe I've gotten used to it.
And that's about it. Have a great week, Cestus!
DJK Kazarelth Talismarr/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum
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