The single greatest AED Report in all of HEK
Greetings and welcome fans to the end of another week. Just when we think things can settle back down to normal, can we get a break? Absolutely not! The site has been struck again. I do not need to stress the importance of avoiding the main DB site and running your trusty old spyware and virus scanners.
Yes friends, the sad truth is that the DB site proper, not including the forums and Wiki, is currently under the knife again. But fortunately for us, it is in the capable hands of Drs. Cotelin, Anubis, and Kaek. And they are no Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard these men are skilled in their craft, and will doubtlessly have the site repaired and in recovery very soon. If you, however are in need of a good spyware scanner, or need a virus scan, here are some helpful sites:
AdAware SE
Spybot S&D
McAfee Free Scan
Take the time to make sure your computer is safe.
Congrats go to the following and I am sure there will be lots more after the feud results and the site is back up
Kara Rohana 51 Clusters of Fire!!
Koga Kage 21 Clusters of Fire!
Xeldor Passed Starfighter Studies with a 72%
There are a couple more competitions that came out before the site went down.
Word Hunter!
Your objective is to find as many words from the following name "Darth
Plagueis", it need not be star wars related. The one with the most words is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the winner will be
determined by who submitted the fastest!
"Magnifying Glass Over an Anthill"
Your Mission (Should you choose to accept it): Cause Havoc to the Database. YOU are the saboteur that has caused so much grief to Lord Buffalo Hunter (Jac) and all those responsible for the Site. In no less than 2 pages, describe what you did to the website, why you did it and the reactions/consequences. It can be ridiculous and outrageous or it can be downright serious and methodical. Entries should be sent to myself (cipher_iamtheshadow(at) and Ralphy (adriantalbok(at) They will be judged by the usual criteria of spelling, grammar and overall creativeness.
Start Date: Sept. 4th 2008
End Date: Sept. 17th 2008
And of course...
Fan Fiction: Put yourself in the cockpit of Red 5 and tell me about your nail biting experience as you shoot through the trench and come upon the exhaust port. Can you feel Vader's presence? Do you sense Han and Chewie moments before they save your bacon? Tell me all you know, Red 5!
Imagery/Poetry: Create a picture or write in free verse about the trench run and the conflicting emotions of knowing you will kill hundred of thousands, though that decision will save countless lives and worlds. The decision is yours, let your creativity shine!
The deadline on this competition is two weeks. All entries should be sent to me, but be sure to include your Proconsul, Quaestor and Aedile... I am sure they will appreciate being included, so they can keep their activity trackers current. As always, if you have questions, just shoot me an e-mail!
And the latest chapter in the War of Ascension ends tonightish, so get those submissions in and fill up the shineys section til it bursts!
Well, not much left to say except who gets the bill? I am currently scouting out an apartment, and I think I have found a good one. Until the site is up, I encourage you all to dive into these competitions and if all else fails, go post on the boards or update and expand your wiki page! So now I shall say good night and run off, leaving you lot to argue of the bill. See Ya!!
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