House Dinaari Quaestor Report #25 - September 21, 2008
Greetings all,
<p>So it's been an uneven past two weeks with the main website being down yet again. Unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do except to patch up the site as best as possible when an attack occurs. While the site has been stable for the past few days I doubt we've seen the end of these attacks. Jac and his staff are doing the best they can so if another attack occurs all we can do is wait. In the meantime keep your virus scanners and other security programs up-to-date. Hopefully we won't get attacked again but no guarantees.
<p>In case you haven't noticed our Consul, Halcyon Rokir, has resigned due to a hectic real life schedule. While he's not on IRC very often these days, be sure to thank him for his service as Consul over the past few months. Serving as Consul is a very big commitment especially in a Clan like Taldryan where we expect (and achieve) the very best. As of this report a new one has not been selected, but the announcement should be coming soon. There will probably be no surprises on this one, but who knows.
<p>In terms of Brotherhood news there's not a whole lot going on. The Gaming Tribune (Angelo Dante) is seeking some assistants for his department, so if you're interested be sure to let him know. The Combat Master (Sith Bloodfyre) posted a somewhat lengthy report which I didn't bother to read, so check it out if you're into the ACC. On a related note I think Jac is starting the beta process for the new DJB Force Powers system so if you're involved in the beta be sure to keep an eye on your e-mail.
<p>So I picked up a copy of "The Force Unleashed" this past week and have been playing it a fair bit. You've probably seen the reviews and I'd give it about a 77% (C+) overall. The story is top notch and beats the entire prequel trilogy combined. The graphics/visuals are great and the music/effects are the best since Return of the Jedi. A lot of the Force powers make you really feel like a badass, but unfortunately it doesn't last long ...
<p>The game is pathetically short - I beat it on the default difficulty level in about seven (7) hours. I'm going back through to snag all of the achievements, but other than that there's not much else to replay except to see the alternate (Dark Side) ending, which kind of sucks anyway. In addition there are a frustrating amount of bugs and glitches which breaks the immersion factor. The gameplay itself can suck as the targeting system is very loose (you'll try to grab one thing but the game will grab another) and even on default difficulty things rapidly shift from being absurdly easy to insanely difficult.
<p>Overall I would classify the game as a "must rent" as opposed to a "must buy". There's virtually no replay value - specifically no multiplayer - and an overall lack of polish brings the game down. On the other hand the story, acting, audio, and visuals are some of the best in Star Wars. I suggest an extended rental unless LucasArts decides to release some downloadable content (DLC). This mini-review is based on the XBox 360 version of the game.
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<p>House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan proudly recognize the following individuals on their recent honors ...
<p>Since the site was down for a few days there really isn't that much in terms of the awards/promotions category. Jerse Remid earned a Scroll of Foundation for auditing a Shadow Academy course (Astronomy).
<p>Also be sure to welcome a new member, Flelm, who I think joins us from the EH? Maybe. He passed the Training Saber Exam already and has been on IRC. Welcome to the 1st Clan of the Brotherhood!
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<p>To wrap things up be sure to check out our Clan website ( to see the latest news and information about our Clan. I currently have two competitions running this month (see the next section for details) yet I've received zero entries - this is a perfect opportunity for our lower ranked members to earn some Crescents and participate in competitions, both of which are required to get promoted. I know this is a House mostly comprised of Equites and Elders but we're always looking to expand those ranks.
<p>I know things have been slow around here but that's common. A lot of us are busy with school and other things so of course the DJB comes second. Don't be a stranger though ... show up on IRC and talk with your fellow Clan members. Discuss the new Force Unleashed game, play a game of Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, or Empire at War. Something! This club is only as much fun as the effort you put into it. Have a great week!
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<p>DB-Wide Events
<li> Gaming Nights (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)
<li> Inter-Club Training Event (Saturdays; Ends on 12/31)
<li> Fiction Tribune Events (Ends on 9/30)</li>
<p>Clan-Wide Events
<li> A New Hope: Tal Trivia (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)</li>
</p><p>House Dinaari Events
<li> Swift Justice Celebration (Ends on 9/30)
<li> Graphic Celebration (Ends on 9/30)
<p>For more detailed descriptions of the above competitions, please visit the competitions listing by clicking here.
</p><p /> -> ~ Important Links ~
Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy
Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex
<p /> -> For Taldryan,
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