Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report #12 (24th September 2008)
Dark Greetings Clan Naga Sadow
Its report time again! What goodies do I have to share with you this week? Read on True Believers!
DB Update
Family and Clan Name Census has been updated, including policies for both. MAA policies wiki page has been updated with all changes Kaek had put through.
Clan Code
Disciples of Sadow (thats CNS members) follow a code similar to the Dark Jedi Code but highlight what makes us stand out from the rest of the Brotherhood as a Clan. This code was established by none other then Dark Jedi Master Tron Sadow, Founder and Overlord of Clan Naga Sadow. This is what makes us unique and as one.
Loyalty - Faithfulness or a devotion to a cause this being our clan and its members.
Sacrifice - Selfless good deeds for others.
Honor - An ideal for members to uphold: honesty, respect, integrity and fairness.
Courage - To face uncertainty, and to have the will to stand together as a unified front, to stand up for the ideals this clan (and the Brotherhood on whole) stands for.
Commitment - Being part of one Clan and being committed to it as long as we are members.
Hard Work- To understand that nothing comes to those who dont put in the effort. Be it as a leader or an active member. It never goes unnoticed.
The Feud is still on going, please take part and have fun if you got the time. The major burst in crescents from my last report was feud related; lets hope to see that again soon.
Dont forget to take part in the Clan Run-On and your own House Run-On. I'l do my best to keep things flowing.
Proconsul Real Life
I completed the "Dark Side Ending" for the Force Unleashed. I was seriously let down by at... it was terrible, the apprentice didnt even become a Sith Lord; just a hollow existence of what he started it. I'd rather kill him then go through that ending again. Although I did like the costume.
Its a good job I've already done the "Light Side Ending". ;)
Luigi DiMassino and Olan Jinn join the Clan.
Zaxen Dauketrenal has been awarded a Cluster of Fire
Shadow Academy
History of the Sith Empire II:
History of the Sith Empire III:
ACC Initiates:
IRC Basics:
Pre-Republic History:
Jonuss Rai has passed the Training Saber Course
Luigi DiMassino has been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
-starkiller- has been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
Olan Jinn has been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
As always here are also the usually links for you know and use to grow better accustomed to life on the other side of the fence as a Special Ops Commander:
D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster
Temple of Sorrow (New Sadow Palace):
Astronicus Dlarit, Viceroy
Ashia Keibatsu, Governor General
Ashura Isradia, Deputy Governor General
TBA, Prefect
Temple of Steel:
Special Operations Group - General Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu, Commander General
Marakith Skyhook:
Faeril Munlear, Governor,
Robert Daragon, Lieutenant Governor
Senior Commander Aticus Jade, Special Attaché
Senior Commander Tsingtao Ming, Special Attaché
Commander Fenris Holder, Special Attaché
Commander Joseem Maruuch, Prefect
Special Operations Group - House Ludo Kressh Dark Jedi Commanders
Alabrek Castle:
Derev Niroth, Governor
Mal'ari'carun, Lieutenant Governor
Senior Commander Jade Atema, Special Attaché (Kangaras Prefect)
Senior Commander Raven, Special Attaché
Senior Commander Mitsuhide Akechi, Special Attaché
TBA, Prefect.
Special Operations Group - House Marka Ragnos Dark Jedi Commanders
Cenota Facility:
Senior Commander Tsingtao Ming, Prefect
San Korinar:
Senior Commander Dismal Ryokou-Amor, Prefect
Thus ends another report. As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura or ``Bandit on IRC.
Long live Naga Sadow
SBM Ashura Isradia (Sith)/PCON-M:GM/Clan Naga Sadow GC / SC-SoF / AC-ToSL / DC-BP / GN / Cr-1R-4A-13S-13E-9T-5Q / CF-PF / SoL-TC / LoR / LS-BL / S:-2R-7Al-5C-6Rm-12P
Knight First Class Ashura Isradia
Battlemaster of the Sith Order
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
Magistrate to the Grand Master
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