Ahoy all. Many of you know me, some dont. For those that dont, Im DJK Taigikori Aybara, and Im the newly appointed Quaestor. Its quite an honor to serve here, and I'd like to once again thank Dash and Vorion for this chance to serve you all. Now, for those who didn't read my email, I come from Clan Taldryan, and recently decided after 3 years and 3 months, Arcona would be the right home for me. A few things that should be noted, I like to keep things tidy, and in order. I'm here to bring a greatness that hasn't been seen in Qel Droma, in quite some time. I honestly can't wait for us to start growing as a house, as my plans are in play.
Also, Slagar is awesome and is to thank for the graphics of this report.
Brotherhood News
--GM report out, some little nifty screen shots of how we're doing with the new Character Sheets. Yeah, it's awesome.
--Kaek gets DJM. Grats to him.
--Kir is holding applications for the Chamber of Justice Appeals Panel. Three spots are open, so if you've passed the Chamber of Justice Exam, this would be a good opportunity to learn further how the inner workings in the CoJ...work.
--Clan Naga Sadow CON is open to apps. Yeah, lol.
Arcona News
--As most of you no doubt know, Vorion is the new Pro-Consul. Awesome job.
--Arcona ACC Ladder sign ups are open! Throw Dash an email to throw your name in.
--Master/Apprentice roll is currently under audit. All pairs are being trashed, and is undergoing some work. We will keep you updated.
--The Shadow Oath is being conducted Clan wide. Dead weight is being cut. Mmm, I'm lovin' it.
Qel-Droma News
--Promotions: Congrats to Fajhal on Guardian, Marick on Acolyte, and Kaido on Novice!
--Welcome to the house Saban, and Kaido!
--AED Apps close on the 30th, get them in quickly! The announcement will be made that night.
--I've decided to keep Rollmaster applications closed, and over the course of the next couple of weeks, I will be assuming all Rollmaster duties of Qel-Droma until I find a need to appoint one.
--A quick reminder, my competitions start on October 1st! One I am proud to announce is Invoke Baneshade, which is a little project that I'm sure you all will enjoy. At the end of each month, I will weigh the activities of all the members, and the most active gets put on the fictional roll of the Baneshade Brigade. Not to mention the most active 3 get 4th level Crescents. :P
Awards and Shadow Academy
--Legorii has earned a Scroll of Indoctrination!
--Fajhal has passed General Leadership!
--Sephiroth has passed Krath CORE, and General Leadership!
--Xander has passed Sith CORE, Krath CORE, Old Republic History, Chamber of Justice, and earned a Dark Maven History Degree!
Blackout! - Clan Wide
De Facto Motto Improv - Qel-Droma (starts Oct. 1st)
Invoke Baneshade - Qel Droma (Starts Oct. 1st)
Closing Thoughts
As this report comes to a close, I'd like to say that I'm greatly looking forward to leading us to a bright future. A few words of encouragement for you journeyman, your promotions are up to you entirely. There is no end of competitions for you to immerse yourselves in and trust me, they go heavily towards your next promotion in my eyes. Alls I ask from you all is that you contribute and have fun while doing it! Until next week all.
-Dark Jedi Knight Taigikori Aybara
Quaestor of Qel-Droma of Arcona
Special Magistrate to the Headmaster
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