Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


Taldryan Proconsul Report -- 5 October 2008 -- Report #64


Welcome to a new reign of failure, erm, terror... I mean... bah! As most of you know by now, Chaos is out Clan's newest Consul and I've filled in his shoes as Proconsul. We've got a lot of fun and exciting things in store for the Clan, so look forward to that in the coming weeks.



-- As I said before, there's been a little toss salad (Chaos' favorite) with the leadership. Vodo Biask of Ektrosis has been selected to be the Quaestor with Sidarace Rathden as his Aedile. We look forward to seeing what the two can do together.

-- If you've got any ideas for a great TT article (humorous, serious, whatever), go ahead and submit it to the Clan Summit and Vodo. Vodo is the new Tal Times editor and will be compiling all the materials people submit to make one awesome TT.

-- As details from Sarin and Raken continue to leak every so often, let's be prepared to face the oncoming threats of the other Brotherhood Clans in the next Great Jedi War come winter. Look out for run ons and other "rust buster" type competitions to hone those skills that have let us dominate our entire history.

-- As always, the Taldryan website ( is up all the time even when the Brotherhood's main site is down, so if you're looking for competition ideas or just want to take a look at our history, go for it. Who knows? Maybe there are some hidden goodies on the site that only the most observant can recognize...

-- Winners of the past week's caption contest will be awarded within the next 48 hours. Week two of the Caption Contest is up on the forums. Check it out here: (

-- Remember to talk to your leaders! If you have a question, ask your Battleteam Leader. If they don't know they'll take it up with the Aedile, etc. People shouldn't really be posting on the Taldryan mailing list unless they're thank yous, congratulations for awards and promotions, or condolences for sad news. The Summit is there to help you, so use them!

-- TAL INITIATIVE: Every report from now on, I'm going to start incorporating an optional task or assignment that won't net you a competition medal, but will speed up the promotion process and make you more eligible to become the next Sentire Taldryae. This week, I want everyone to check out the Taldryan Values on the site (, then tell me which value you exemplify best, the one you exemplify the worst, and why. Only a few sentences are needed for both. Email them to Chaos and myself, CCing your House Summit and BTL's of course.



-- Headmaster Report: Mostly just some course revamps and audits. (

-- Wiki Tribune Report: Mostly logistical things for those of you who use the wiki more than once a month: (

-- Deputy Grand Master Report: Some cool pictures of upcoming Brotherhood-related projects as well as the traditional Star Wars Nerd clad in Sith Twi'lek outfit: (

-- Love gaming? Go play members of Clan Naga Sadow and help them in their Clan's House Feud competition! It's no different than any other gaming night or activity, they just pretend you're not a Jedi and instead some type of NPC for whatever little gig they've got running.

-- Apply for Consul of Clan Naga Sadow if you think you've got what it takes!

-- Have an xbox 360 or PS3 with the Force Unleashed? Take a picture of your end-screen (when you beat the game) and sent it to Grand Master Sarin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). If you've got a sweet setup for your TV, managed to get a hilarious picture, or just think you're the quintessential badass, send in your entry and you've got a decent chance of landing a medal.

-- Some dude named Androc got CoJ'd, whoopdy do. Don't try to steal people's dossiers and you won't be in the same boat he is.

-- Sklib's Shadow Academy Course of the Week: Force Philosophy (



-- Haven't decided what you're doing for Halloween yet? Get a cool-but-really-socially-suicidal Star Wars costume! (

-- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy hero Jaden Korr is slated to star in an upcoming novel, stay tuned for more details

-- CVG is reporting that LucasArts will be unveiling their KOTOR MMO title within the next 30 days!

-- Star Wars online comics are a go! Check them out here: (

-- The Clone Wars TV Series is available on iTunes if you missed an episode or simply curious to see George Lucas' newest creation




-- Bubbles Taldrya: Crescent with Emerald Star

-- Jesse: Crescent with Topaz Star

-- Sidarace Rathden: Crescent with Quartz Star

-- Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo: Crescent with Topaz Star

-- Andryan "Ace" Queldom: Cluster of Fire x 2

-- Duga Taldrya Arkarso: Crescent with Topaz Star

-- Kraval Novir: Crescent with Emerald Star

-- Vladet Xavier: Dark Side Scroll


-- Genesis: Novice


-- None



Clan Competitions: (

-- Quick and Easy CON Comp 3 - 1

-- A New Hope: Tal Trivia

-- [Taldryan] Caption Contest

-- Reports Work - For Everyone

-- Gaming Nights

Dinaari Competitions: (

-- Dinaari Quick Trivia (DQT)

Ektrosis Competitions: (

-- "Caption This" Series

-- Trivia League

-- [Ektrosis] Haiku Contest



Consul Chaosrain Taldrya: ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib: ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Quaestor Vladet Xavier: ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Aedile Tarax Eosphoros Kor: ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Quaestor Vodo Biask: ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Aedile: Sidarace Rathden ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

~ Important Links ~

Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide

Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy

Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex


Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz





I touched on this earlier in my report, but the key thing at this point in time is getting back into gear for the next Great Jedi War. It's been a while since we've had one last, and we're going to up the stakes even more as other Clans within the Brotherhood grow in strength and number. Things won't be easy, they never have been, but I expect everyone on the active duty roster to contribute. Don't limit yourself to doing a poetry competition or playing a match of Jedi Outcast, really get involved and the experience becomes that much more memorable. This war will be far greater, larger, and EPIC than any before it, but Taldryan tends to excel at that type of thing anyway ;)

You get out of the Brotherhood what you put into it. Do you want to be a hero of the war and have your name permanently written in DB history? Or would you rather throw together a poem just to say you're active? As individuals we can only meet and exceed our own expectations, but as a Clan we demand professionalism, integrity, and perseverance. There's a reason we have the largest fleet, the most amount of members on the Dark Council, and a reputation no other Clan can come CLOSE to beating.

Gear up, ladies and gents, it's going to be one hell of a ride!

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