Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report



        QUA Report Extraordinaire  


With his Aedile chosen and now doing his bidding, Alaris set his eyes to the future of the House Satal Keto. The corruption of Morroth was crushed and now bent under his will and he exerted his power all over the icy slopes of Keto's Home Planet. "The future is us."

Brothers and Sisters of Satal Keto  

Another week, another fantabulous report from the QuaMan. My reports are becoming slightly different now that the mantle has been handed to me by the fantastic Alex d'Tana. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy writing about new things and leaving the direct reporting to Raiju. Thanks, buddy. :)

        Brotherhood News  

First of all, we all need to worship Jac Cotelin, our fantastic Seneschal, for being awesome. Why he's awesome, I'm not sure. Something about injecting the Brotherhood Website with something, I don't know. All I know is, the site is back up and running and in gloriousness. No, but seriously, he's been fixing scripts all over the website and that's awesome, as it keeps us raking in the new members.

Speaking of which, some people have been asking about how they can get promotions, well get active! Fill out your Character History, do a competitions or eight, do some gaming. Hurrah!

Clan News  

Quejo is the new Rollmaster. He's a fantastic leader, and we're all going to get a lot out of him being on our Clan Summit. So, congrats to him on RM! Woot woot!

War of Ascension-wise, I apologize for the serious delay. I wanted to make this fiction awesome for you all, and then there was that whole school thing, but I've got lots of time off starting today, so if you don't see the fiction out today, it will be out tomorrow. Promise.

House News  

Raiju! He and I have some kick ass things coming your way in the next three months, so hold on to your junk. If you don't have junk, then hold on to something nearby, like someone else's junk.

Star Wars News  

Yes, the new Clone Wars cartoon is rather kid like, but it definately gives us a better idea about what's happening in the Clone Wars. All we really have are some Karen Traviss novels, a couple video games and a short series based on the Wars as Yoda remembers them. We hardly touched on Plo Koon before hand and the first season has an entire section on the Jedi Master. Plus, we finally get to see Bothawui on screen. We've heard all about the Bothans from Mon Mothma, plus how snide and political they are from the NJO series, but other than that, we barely touch on them, this gives us a great opportunity to see the Bothans on their homeworld.


This one time, at band camp, I remained awesome.

Darkness Guide You.

Your servant,

OT Alaris Jinn (Obelisk)/QUA-Wiki/Satal Keto of Plagueis


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