Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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<td height="33"><span class="style10">No fiction this week, still trying to get settled in and started... </span></td>  


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New Promo standards released by the MAAs Office.

New Rollmaster chosen

New Battleteam Leader chosen

Site fixed... again

Go give input on the next GJW here



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<td height="29"># GRD Nihil Zayne elevated to Jedi Hunter. 

DJK Robin Hawk has left Blades of Chaos to become the new Rollmaster for the departing DJK Korvyn Halcyon.

I became the Battleteam Leader for Blades of Chaos.

ICTE is in #Outerrim on undernet every Saturday.

Battleteam competitions are coming, I just need to get some together... </td>


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So far my first week has been rather hectic. I have been trying to get some things going since the lack of a leader has taken its toll. Be ready for the next GJW, I want to continue to dominate as we have been the last year or so.

Remember my door is always open and I am easy to get a long with so feel free to catch me on irc or by email.


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*SBM Ric "Blade" Hunter (Sith)/CMDR/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: INI] *

    <div align="center" class="style1">** GC / SC / AC-ToDS / SN-BL / Cr-2R-4A-5S-4E-8T-2Q / CF-BlF / DSS-AuL / SoL / S:-9M-7R-4D-11Rm-9P**</div>  

    <div align="center"><span class="style1">High General of the CSP Marine Corps</span> </div>  




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