Aedile Edition #2
Welcome to my second report as Aedile of House Marka Ragnos. I promise this one won't be quite as long as the last. You'll notice the
absence of the fiction I suggested might be in it. I decided to hold off until I find out what's going on with the Clan plot, that way I can try to incorporate the two. Whether or not I find out
what's happening, you'll get your first edition of the fiction next Friday. You'll notice a few graphics – these are only temporary. More details can be found below in the Competitions
section. For on, true believers!
Brotherhood News
**Website** – The website is back up, and it looks as if its here to stay this time. Jac set up some neato scrubbers to
protect the database – like bouncers at a club, for those of you who don't do code – which ought to keep us safe. That makes it much easier for us leaders to submit competitions,
reports, etc. since we have the website back up. What's that mean for the rest of you? You guessed it: more work! But the corollary to more work is more medals and promotions. So take it as a
**Brotherhood-Wide Promotion Requirements** – Obviously I won't be listing all the details here. Suffice it to say that
promotion requirements for Journeymen have been altered drastically by these new guidelines. Make sure you're up to date on what is needed to get promoted by visiting the wiki page! For those of
you who didn't pay attention to the other five reports this week that mentioned it, you can find the document at <a href=
Clan News
** **Battle for Inos – We're still awaiting the final results for the Clan Feud, but
we expect to have them out within a few days. That being said, regardless of whether we took First House or not, I'm proud of everyone who participated. Keep it up. If we can do the same against
Tarentum, we'll mop the floor with them.
**How many Sadows does it take to screw in a light bulb?** – A few days ago I would have said twelve, but it looks like
they needed two more slaves to carry all their booze. So, in true Sadow fashion, they put their drinks first and raised Tsainetomo and Ashia to their number! In all seriousness though, these two
definitely deserve the honor. They've made many contributions to the clan as a whole, more than I could name here even if I were inclined to try. Make sure you congratulate them if you haven't
**Naga Sadow Times** – Our esteemed Consul Bob has decided to resurrect this publication and I've been given the distinct
honor of manning its helm. If any of you have any newspaper experience (either in real life or online) and especially if you have experience with the NS Times or the Dark Voice, make sure you shoot
an e-mail to myself and Bob so we can put you on staff. You'll definitely find it rewarding. Be expecting the first issue out as soon as I can torture people into submitting to it.
*<u>House News</u>
* Feud #2 – So, take a break while you can. Soon enough we'll be embroiled in yet another
feud, this one against a different Clan. Make sure you rest up and recharge so you can all make sure you help us kick Tarentum's ass!
**Ummm** – Yeah, the couple weeks after a Feud are always slow, so not much else to report on this front.
Work has kept me pretty busy lately. I think I put in about 50 or 60 hours a week on average. Lots of projects, lots of deadlines, lots of
recognition. I'm also getting divorced, so if you all know any eligible Chiss in the Core regions, let me know. :-p I've also gotten back into City of Heroes, which is going pretty well. If any of
you play, look me up on the Freedom server under the global handle Trandyr. However, what really has my eye right now is the upcoming KOTOR MMORPG. If you don't know what I'm talking about, head
over to;title;1 and
check it out. It's gonna be awesome!
Derev's Vacation
After the Battle for Inos, the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos decided he was in need of a little vacation after the events of the previous 40 days. Using a minimum of one page (maximum of two),
describe Derev's vacation. Please keep the stories PG-13, but sexual innuendo's are encouraged.
Spelling/Grammar and Realism are the primary judging criteria.
All Submissions to Derev.
Ends 10/20/2008.
Darth Vader. Forgiven for so much, so easily. When Vader’s end came it was his son that rendered a judgment of mercy to one who was unmerciful. We should be so fortunate. When our time comes,
we will not have the leniency of a relation to absolve us of our sins. We will face the judgment of the sword or the mob. But if even Vader was redeemable, are we? Could we take the light back into
ourselves and atone as he did? Or have we stepped too far from the path. Are we unredeemable?
OOC: In-character, or not, explore the possibility of redemption for your character. Could it still be attained or is it a foregone conclusion?
Email submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please put [Fiction] in the subject line of your email. Include basic ID Line and PIN in the document file name or
the submission cannot be counted.
Ends 10/31/2008
Design the Ultimate Prison/The Breakout
This must be the easiest comps ever. Create a layout of a prison and write a couple paragraphs on the rooms and the entire complex. To make it better, have little add-ons like secret entrances or
escape routes because these designs will be used by you to have a prisoner escape from it. Then once you have sent your designs in, start writing up the comp.
Approved by the CON. I'll take the designs within the first week and half of the second. The remaining time will be used to send for your fictions. Fic must be 4 pages, singled space, TNR font size
Ends 11/03/2008
Unborify My Reports!
I'm gonna need some graphics for my reports. I'll need graphics for the
following sections:
-Header (The Ragnos Report)
-Alaric in Real Life (AL in RL)
-Activity (Promotions, Transfers, Medals, Shadow Academy, etc)
They can be fancy with lots of graphics or plain and elegant text; they
just need to look good. I'll be giving out Third-Level Crescents for the
top 3 submitters. Anyone in Clan Naga Sadow can compete. Bonus points for incorporating the HMR logo.
Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Ends 10/23/2008
Now that the Feud is over...
Now that the Battle for Inos is over, write a one page story describing how happy you are it's over. Humor is the primary criteria for grading, but spelling/grammar and realism will play a
All Submissions to Derev
Ends 10/20/2008
Waza Sunrider has decided to transfer to the Rogues. If you see him, let him know he's welcome back anytime!
Praxis: Crescent with Topaz Star; Legion of the Scholar
Joseph Skirata: Legion of the Scholar
William Darkfire: Legion of the Scholar
Mitsuhide: Legion of the Scholar
Mal'ari'carun: Legion of the Scholar
Kalei Basai: Legion of the Scholar; Cluster of Fire(x5)
Raven: Cluster of Fire (x2)
Zaroth: Cluster of Fire (x4)
Kyrath: Legion of the Scholar
Devani: Legion of the Scholar
Zaxen: Legion of the Scholar; Cluster of Fire(x27!!!!!!!)
is teh suxor!)
Jade: Legion of the Scholar; Cluster of Fire(x2)
None this week – what's wrong with you guys? Don't disappoint me!
Shadow Academy
William Darkfire: History of the Sith I & II,
Nothing here. Why are you being so lame? Go kick some ass in the ACC!
Nothing here this week. Go away already!
What'd we learn this week, boys and girls?
1. The MAA likes his Guidelines.
2. Someone is teh suxor (if you read the report, you'll know who!) and doesn't know it.
3. Zaxen has way too much time on his hands.
4. The Naga Sadow Times is gonna be kickass!
5. if (Ashia||Tsainetomo == 1337)
{strLastName+=” Sadow”;}
Make sure you contribute to the wiki, do those competitions, and be kind: rewind. Until next time;
Signing Off**
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