Greetings NightHawks,
Lets get this report started.
Clan News
Lots of stuff happening this week. Ashia and Tsainetomo are named Sadow. This is huge. It is perhaps the only true clan specific award that is reflected in the rest of the Brotherhood. Be sure to congratulate them for this outstanding achievement.
Check out the Clan plotline if you have not already. Ashura mailed it out earlier this week. This is a great opportunity to really impact the clan and its canon history. If you are interested shoot an email to Ashura.
House News
We are a single battle team now here in the NightHawks. This raises a few concerns towards activity. While we seem to have a rather dedicated core of active people there are a lot of people who are inactive. Now I personally am not asking for everyday attendance, but it is good to see member's faces. So show up and say hi. Get involved in something and by all means try to have a little fun.
Now that the feud is over and we have been breaking our backs to get in all those submissions everyone is probably enjoying a nice rest. That's great. Keep in mind however that lots of plans are in motion. Now is a great time to start making some real contributions to the Team, the House, and the Clan.
Let it be known that new ideas of how to do things and things to add have always gone over well. While doing competitions and such is great it is nothing compared to making a real impact in the Clan. If you got some idea on something that might prove interesting or fun. Let someone know about it. Don't keep quiet about it. I can not stress that enough.
Check out the latest competitions and get some practice for the GJW and upcoming House Feud in.
** BTL Personal Life **
Well its been another crazy week and the going to get even crazier for me. Learning to fly around in military helicopters is perhaps the most physically and mentally demanding thing I have ever done. Unfortunatly this will keep me away alot during the weekdays but I should be around during the weekends.
That doesn't mean that I am not available. I check me email DAILY. So if you have anything for me please let me know right away and I will take care of it or get it to someone who can.
If you are really interested in some of the stuff I do here is a video taken at my squadron a few months back.
** Medals **
Praxis received a Crescent with Topaz Star
Praxis received a Legion of the Scholar
Joseph Skirata received a Legion of the Scholar
William "Archaon" Darkfire received a Legion of the Scholar
Kalei Basai received a Legion of the Scholar
Kalei Basai received 5 Clusters of Fire
Zaroth Rakiroyo received 4 Clusters of Fire
Kyrath Amaranthi received a Legion of the Scholar
Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia received a Legion of the Scholar
Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia received 27 Clusters of Fire
No Promotions this time around.
Sadow Academy
William "Archaon" Darkfire passed History of the Sith Empire I
William "Archaon" Darkfire passed History of the Sith Empire II
Zaroth Rakiroyo passed Wiki Basics
Thats it for this one. As always I am open for discussion on just about anything. I will be lurking around this weekend so be sure to hit me up with anything even if its just to say "Hi"
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