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-> Ektrosis AED Report #2 ~DJK Sidarace Rathden~ <-
-Ektrosis cup under way and running low. People, this is not that hard to participate in. All of the competitions for this week could and can be done in a good half hour of your time, that's it. You have got two days left until the end of the first weeks competition, which leaves you with plenty of time to do most of them, if not all of them. This is not that hard, and it will boost up your next promotion/give you shinnies for participating and placing. For any of you JH's out there who are looking to try and get DJK, this is a good step in that direction
-Ektrosis cup in full and kicking (However small/big it is, that depends on you)
-QUA Report out, was running a bit late, but I think we can forgive Vodo ;)
-Look forward to a new release of the Tal Times
-PRT Jesse has changed his name from Jesse to PRT Renci Janin
-Lokasena's first Hex BTL report out, go read it!
-Phoenix BTL report out and kicking, you know the drill
-Ashia and Tsainetomo Keibatsu were both named Sadow this week, not that important, but never the less, congrats to them.
-Combat Master report out
-Tribune:Wiki report out
-New promotion requirements made by the MAA. Yes, they apply to every member in the Brotherhood, including Taldryan and are active; immediate. Check em' out: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Promotion_Requirements
-Galeres AED spot open for apps. So, apply-if you dare- by sending an email to:([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
-Shadow Academy is giving the Trivia league another shot, check it out. Starts Sunday (Today, the 19th) at 5 PM GMT, or 1 PM EDT.
-SWL Andan Taldrya Marshall passed The Krath Core, awesome!
/me turns on hypocrite button
Keep up with the SA courses guys, loads of info in the Shadow Academy!
/me turns off hypocrite button
-APP Gherig Bale has joined Ektrosis, give him a nice welcome please!
-APP Cero got his promotion to Novice, keep up the good work Cero!
-PRT Renci Janin received a Cluster of fire for ICTE, keep up the gaming
-PRT Renci Janin earned a Crescent with Topaz star for 1st place in the Aedile's Challenge
-DJK Andryan "Ace" Queldom earned a Scroll of Foundation for his excelent work with the SA, keep it up!
-KAP Vodo/QUA guy/Biask snagged a Crescent with an Emerald star for Second place in the Tal caption contest, go QUA!
-KAP Vodo Biask got himself a crescent with a Topaz star for being a good QUA and participating ;)
gfx+Ekky members=Happy AED
Starts: 2008-10-05 Deadline: 2008-10-20
Unit: House-Wide Event
Specifics: So, I am in need of a personal signature banner to go at the bottom of my reports where "DJK Sidararace Rathden" is. Who ever sends in the best picture, ultimately wins.
What I am looking for: Something to complement the headers that Vodo has already made for me, and if you do not know what they look like, go here to the Tal.net site and see em' for yourself: http://taldryan.net/news.php
Just as a basic Idea, I am not a big fan of having the whole entire ID line in there, i.e. Cr-1R-1A-1S-7E-11T-4Q. For a better Idea, scroll down to the bottom of my report, and see how I do my signiture, that should be all that is on there, save some edits that you feel fit. Again, this is for you to decide, and me to accept what ever I get. =D
On top of that, do what you can, and have fun. Feel free to resort to my wiki for images/come talk to me. Give it your all, top Three contestants get 4th level Crescents!
Start Date: 10/5/2008
End Date: 10/20/2008
Platforms: Photoshop, paint, paint.net, anything that has some photo editing qualities to it.
Awards: 4th level crescents for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Comments: Will be judged on best quality and some creativity. Must be no more than 200 pixels tall/high and around 500/600 pixels wide. Email submissions to QUA Vodo <Rubelz_ftw@hotmail.com> and AED Sidarace (Me) [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Trivia League
Starts: 2008-08-03 Deadline: 2009-08-02
Unit: House-Wide Event
Starting Sunday, August 3rd, the Ektrosis Trivia League begins! Every week, the Summit will sponsor either an IRC or email-based trivia similar to the old Shadow Academy trivia. The first two weeks I, Sklib, will run the show and make sure everything works out the way it's supposed to.
The trick here is a cumulative score will be kept for the duration of the month. At the end of the month, the Ektrosians with the highest cumulative scores will earn themselves 4th level crescents for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Weekly awards are the usual Legion of the Scholar for the top two scores in that week as well as the moderator of the trivia.
Good luck, and may the nerdiest man win!
AEDs Challenge
Starts: 2008-10-05 Deadline: 2009-10-05
Unit: House-Wide Event
Specifics: Every two weeks or so, I shall issue a fun little competition for you to complete; i.e. a Flash game, best paint drawing, caption contest, etc.
Start Date: 10/5/2008
End Date: 10/5/2009
Platforms: What ever said competition will require, I shall provide via email at the beginning of every challenge.
Awards: 5th level Crescents for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place each challenge.
Comments: This should be fun, easy, and totally awesome, and will help you with your next Promo/give you shinnies, should you complete the task that is set before you. Expect some cool stuff =D Also, don't forget to email me, your AED, and Vodo, your QUA at <Rubelz_ftw@hotmail.com> and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The Ektrosis Cup
Specifics: I will run a series of events for a total of two weeks. there will be five events each week. The winner of each event will receive a fifth level crescent, with the overall champions (top three participants over all events) will receive fourth level crescents and the top placer will be named the Champion of Ektrosis.
The emphasis will be on quick and easy competitions requiring a minimum of commitment individually, but some determination to win it all. Start Date: 10/13/2008 End Date: 10/26/2008 Unit in Competition: House Ektrosis Platforms: Word Processors, Flash, java, MS Paint or any Graphic Manipulation programs Awards: fifth level crescents for the winners of individual competitions.
Fourth level crescents for the overall winners.
-> ## Important Email <-
Taldryan Googlegroup [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Ektrosis Googlegroup [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Consul Chaosrain Taldrya [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Quaestor Vodo Biask [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Aedile Sidarace Rathden -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Hex Battleteam Leader Lokasena Corvinus -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Phoenix Battleteam Leader Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqQevDvY2w4" TARGET=_blank Funny Spike SW commercial
That's it for this session of AED's random finds, sorry. =/
If you have anything that you think is plausible and or would fit in this section of the report (I.e. a funny picture, a funny story, something interesting you found) let me know via email/IRC, and I will throw it up there (That is if I like it of course ;)!
Do the Ektrosis cup, it will do you a load of good in the Shinnies/Promotion department. Also, here is what the #1 Ektrosis member will receive as an award besides a 4th level Crescent and an awesome title:
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Eh, eh? Shinnie, ain't it? So, who ever is named Numero Uno will win this wonderful Ektrosis cup, in which Ekkys two gfxers made for you.Yay!
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