Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

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Greetings Plagued Ones,

So, I planned on getting a Report out last week but as you are all aware it was but a thought. However, I would like to inform you that my Reports will be out on time from now on. You can expect one every Sunday. Why Sunday? Well, it’ll allow me to report for an entire week.

Basically, my job is simple. I make sure that the mentorship of Clan Plagueis is running smoothly and up to date. What does this have to do with you fine people? Well, everything. Teaching/learning effects us all in one way, shape, or form. From the Master to the Apprentice, we are all learning.

Since I got the position of Clan Rollmaster I have been sifting through various files and updating emails used to aid the new members. My next big project will be to take a look at the Master/Student Program and come up with an improved system that will enable members of Plagueis to tutor and guide their Apprentice through to Dark Jedi Knight with little confusion. Unfortunately I was unable to find out who is currently paired. This could be because I haven’t looked hard enough or it could be because there is no such record. For the time being I will continue my search or wait until someone gives me the required information, until then just sit tight. I will get it sorted ASAP.

Currently there are a few Competitions running that I would like to see people participating in. Competitions not only show that you’re active but they will help you earn medals which will initially lead to promotions, recognition, bragging rights et cetera. .

::Clan Plagueis Competitions::

Halloween Festival -,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3840

[CP] Monthly Puzzle Extravaganza -,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3865

Jedi Academy - Not really a Competition, but a reminder. This weekend, Sunday the 26th is the first day of Class. Get Sabers, get friends, still more than enough time to sign up! It doesn’t matter if you’ve played JA before and pretty much know everything already. This course is still fun and good for refreshing ones memory. Sunday the 26th is the first day. All signups should go through Koga and Cethgus - emails - [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses] I will be checking this out myself. I’ve been asked to help answer questions and what not so I will be stopping by to lend a helping hand. I personally advise anyone interested in becoming a better JA combatant to check it out. Should be a lot of fun.


For some reason I cant copy and paste the roster through works processor so I’ll just include a link to the Roster for this report…

::New Arrivals::

I would like everyone to welcome the following members to the Clan -

Kudoz Rigo

Cypher Darklight

Cyrus Novan


::Closing Statements::

Well, that’s it for this little report. If I’ve forgotten anything cut me some slack this is my first Rollmaster report. If anyone has any questions or just needs to talk then you can find me on IRC or shoot me an email.

In Service,

OPM Quejo Drakai

Clan Plagueis Rollmaster

Email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I'd like to be the first to greet the new arrivals. Welcome to the Ascendant Clan, brothers and sisters. I'm excited to see what great works will someday pour from your hands to change the Brotherhood forever.

Welcome to the new members... in particular... this new Cypher. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. ;)

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