It was only 12 days until the Day of Ascension, and Traan Reith was stuck in hyperspace. It had been almost two months since he had finished his business in the greater galaxy, with his next to last stop having been to have a chat with Master Jedi Mike Halcyon. It had been enlightening, to find him hidden deep within Dantooine, despite it being overrun by Yuuzhan Vong. He had followed it with a run to the Hapes Cluster for some last minute munitions, and was pushing his newly christened YT-2550, The Dragons Wings, to its fullest potential.
The Com-unit beeped as an incoming transmission found him, presumably from one of the ships in hyper. Traan I know youre not going to miss the Day of Ascension, when The Emperor steps down, are you? The formidable form of his Master, Grand Marshall Lucien Kaeth stared at him as if it could see right through the intervening parsecs.
No Master, I am on my way right now, and expect to touch down on Judeccas surface the day before. I am bringing gifts, both to the New Emperor, courtesy of Mike Halcyon, and other things to Grand Master Sarin and the Dark Council, courtesy of the Corporate Sector Authority. I have much to show you and them, much we will benefit from. My time away has been fruitful. The nervous Dark Jedi awaited a reply as the lag took its toll, extending the time until he received an answer.
Good, My Apprentice. All will be well then. Do Not Be Late. The connection severed itself, and the image of Lucien disappeared. His words echoed in the mind of the Shiido as he turned to his R9 unit.
Are you sure were going as fast as we can? He received an indignant and shrill reply from the highly trained astromech droid, which he understood as mostly curse words, curses about indignities suffered, and a yes. Traan nodded his head and leaned back to return to his meditation in the unfathomable lightness of hyperspace.
Welcome to the Fourth Report from your HAD Aedile! As you know, November first is a very special day amongst our Brotherhood, and carries some very special events for our clan. I encourage you to be on IRC on that day, as many important events will be occurring! This is in accord with your standing orders to be on IRC at least once a month, and to otherwise be present through emails with the House Leadership. If we dont know youre still there, Rogues might happen to you!
House Stuff
Koryn recently ran his HAD Mascot competition. Im waiting to receive results from that, but so far it doesnt look good. Wheres your spirit folks? Wake up! We want this to be fun, and not be a chore! The House Leadership is working on putting together some fun competitions to help spice up your day, most of which are very easy and should be something you want to do!
The House Leadership transition has been complete for awhile now, and weve received very little feedback. Kalak is planning a competition to help elicit feedback from you all, so be on the lookout for that as time goes on!
Mad Props (Or in more proper speech, Grand Congratulations) go out to Kara Incendia for serving as EP of the Krath Core for 6 months! Thats hard work folks.
Only one EP slot remains open at this time, and that is the Krath Core! I encourage you to go to the main page, read the Headmasters Report, as well as Jacs newest update, and if you feel you can meet the requirements, go for it!
Clan Stuff
Right, so be online this Saturday, big stuff happening. Thrans already let it out of the bag, as to whos changing into what, but that doesnt mean you should be absent.
Another clan competition is in the works, so be prepared.
The newest edition of the Royal Gazette is out, finally. To get the link, log into #scholae on IRC! The link is in our topic.
Im hosting Trivia in #csptrivia every Saturday at 3PM EST/8PM GMT! Id like to see more of you there! Rev, Timbal, and Koryn were there this past Saturday to represent. Id like to see those LOSs come back as HAD/HAD every week!
Personal Stuff
Im a senior in college, Im taking 25 credits, working 20 hours a week, and still managing to find time to do my duties as Aedile. How? I sacrifice the occasional tidbit of sleep, or personal time. Im sure you guys can do that too and enjoy it! Im receiving a Bachelors in Business Administration with a specialty in Management from Saint Leo University, come May. I have a lovely girlfriend of 2 and a half years, whom I hope to ask to marry me when I can afford the ring.
Im a devoted fan of Anime, Rpgs, and Robert Heinlein, as well as many other great science fiction authors.
So mostly school work is kicking my ass still, despite the end of midterms. Im not going to be on IRC every day, as its become untenable with my schedule. I shall, however, continue to provide an email turnaround of less than 24 hours. If you need me, and Im not on IRC, EMAIL ME. I will reply ASAP.
Standing Orders
Get on MIRC at least once a week in #scholae and #acclivisdraco and be seen, so you can get credit for being active!
If you cant be on IRC, stay in touch through email.
Do At Least ONE competition every month. It helps to show you staid active when it comes time for Promo/Medals.
DJK Tra'an Reith (Obelisk)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: INI]
AC / DC / BN / Cr-3A-1S-4E-2T-1Q / DSS-BL / LS / S:-4Rm-8P
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