Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<big>Aedile Edition #3</big>

Props to Kalei for the graphics. Your shiny is in the mail. ;)

"Sir, I have the latest reports."

Mal'ari'carun sighed and held out his hand, not bothering to look away from the datapad on his desk as he took the documents from the Commander. Setting them aside, he rubbed the bridge of his nose tapped a few buttons, incrementing the time-lapse display on the screen. It showed the progress made at relocating the civilian population from Kar Alabrek to Markosian City in half-hour intervals. By and large the relocation has gone smoothly, except for the citizenry in the Armory district.

"Bottom-line it for me, Krell."

"Yes, Lieutenant Governor. We are still unsure as to the source of the uprising itself. We know crowds around the armory were incited to violence after a speech made by an unknown party. Unfortunately, all attempts to determine his identity have failed. The local populance either doesn't know or isn't telling. Additionally, we've been able to secure approximately ninety-two percent of the district, however insurrections still hold three key factories and a mid-sized warehouse filled with arms. They are heavily armed, well-fortified, and claim they have enough explosives to level half the district if we attempt to force entry."

"Do they?"

"According to the inventories...yes. The explosives were meant to replenish those lost in destroying Ragnos Cathedral. It looks like they took them when they captured the factories and rigged them up in the warehouse."

Shaking his head, the Priest stood and reached behind him, taking his cloak from the back of his chair and throwing it over his shoulders. Reaching down, he locked his datapad. By and large, he enjoyed his job. He enjoyed his coworkers, his responsibilities, and the knowledge he gained as a Disciple of Ragnos. But this part of the job he hated. Civilians trying to defend their homes...still, the obstacle had to be overcome.

"Pull your men back, Commander. At least three miles from the area in every direction. If any of the soldiers ventures closer than that before I give the go-ahead, I'll personally rip out his intestines and hang him with them."

"Yes, sir. Immediately. Will there be anything else?"

"Call Manji, have him meet me at the checkpoint to the Armory district in twenty minutes. Make sure he comes well-armed."

The Aedile sighed again, unable to hold his resignation in. I hate this part of the job.

Cheer up, thought his Leoarals within his head. With all the blood on your hands, what's a few thousand more ounces going to hurt?

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        Its that time again, so grab a cup of joe, light up a cigarette, crank up some whatever you do to keep you awake, cause its time for another report! Onward and upward...

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Brotherhood News

        Medal Revisions – According to the Master-At-Arms last report, a revision is underway for the medals in the Dark Brotherhood. There's no firm date for this, but keep your eyes posted to the DB news site for word. I don't know about you, but I'm excited as hell about this!

        Brotherhood-Wide Promotion Requirements – Obviously I won't be listing all the details here. Suffice it to say that promotion requirements for Journeymen have been altered drastically by these new guidelines. Make sure you're up to date on what is needed to get promoted by visiting the wiki page! For those of you who didn't pay attention to the other five reports this week that mentioned it, you can find the document at .

Clan News

        Battle for Inos – If you don't know already, you're living in a cave. So, for those of you who are way too close to your stalagmite friends (they really don't like it when you do that!), House Marka Ragnos is now the First House of Naga Sadow. We pulled it out, barely, and I'm extremely proud of everyone in the House for coming through.

        Naga Sadow Times – Our esteemed Consul Bob has decided to resurrect this publication and I've been given the distinct honor of manning its helm. We currently have thirteen staff members, and are looking at a publication date of the 15th for the first issue. Keep your eyes peeled for this, as its going to be a lot of fun. And if any of you are still interested in being on the staff, make sure you let me know.

House News

        Feud #2 – In a matter of weeks we'll be attacking Tridens of Tarentum in recompense for their alleged attack on the Ragnos Cathedral. The final details are being ironed out as we speak. Don't worry about a marathon like before, this one is going to be a quickie, so let's make sure we pull out all the stops and crush them!

        Lions, Tigers and Black Guards. Oh My! - So, if you don't know what a Black Guard is, check it out here: . The important thing is that we have some new Black Guards in House Marka Ragnos. Everyone congratulate Zaxen on being appointed BG to the Clan Overlord! You should also congratulate Jade on her appointment as Derev's BG, and Manji as mine!

        Moving – With the destruction of Ragnos Cathedral, the Disciples of Ragnos have relocated to the southern Tarthosian city of Mucenic. This is going to play a big part in the ongoing fiction of the House, so make sure you read up on it here: . If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to your's truly, or any other summit member.

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        Not much to report on this front, to be honest. Still hasseling with the divorce and working like a dog. However, it does look like I'll be getting a bonus in about two weeks, so that's a plus. I had planned to put most of it towards upgrading my comp, but my dryer died on my yesterday, so I'll have to buy a new one. Also, one of my cats is going through heat, so if any of you are cat lovers in the area and want to make some kittens, let me know.

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Darth Vader. Forgiven for so much, so easily. When Vader’s end came it was his son that rendered a judgment of mercy to one who was unmerciful. We should be so fortunate. When our time comes, we will not have the leniency of a relation to absolve us of our sins. We will face the judgment of the sword or the mob. But if even Vader was redeemable, are we? Could we take the light back into ourselves and atone as he did? Or have we stepped too far from the path. Are we unredeemable?

OOC: In-character, or not, explore the possibility of redemption for your character. Could it still be attained or is it a foregone conclusion?

Email submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please put [Fiction] in the subject line of your email. Include basic ID Line and PIN in the document file name or the submission cannot be counted.

Ends 10/31/2008

Design the Ultimate Prison/The Breakout

This must be the easiest comps ever. Create a layout of a prison and write a couple paragraphs on the rooms and the entire complex. To make it better, have little add-ons like secret entrances or escape routes because these designs will be used by you to have a prisoner escape from it. Then once you have sent your designs in, start writing up the comp.

Approved by the CON. I'll take the designs within the first week and half of the second. The remaining time will be used to send for your fictions. Fic must be 4 pages, singled space, TNR font size 12. Don't make you prison like an ultimate fortress, it has to be able to be broken out or you wasted your time.

Ends 11/03/2008

Trick or Treat

In light of the Halloween season, your leaders need a bit of fun. Write a one page fiction on a trick you would play on them.

In the subject line include [Comp].

Send to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Ends 11/01/2008

Dress Up

Wow all that practicing has paid off and you managed in some fluke luck to beat Bob our Con in a drinking match. Everyone is still talking about it and swear that you cheated, however it is your luck as you now get the chance to pick Bob’s Halloween Costume!

Graphically using any medium design Bob’s costume. More original and creative the better.

Ends 10/31/2008

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Ra Koth has transferred to us from the Shadow Academy. Make sure you all make him feel welcome!


Manji: Crescent with Emerald Star, Anteian Cross

Jade: Crescent with Topaz Star (x3), Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star

Joseph Skirata: Crescent with Topaz Star

Kalei: Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Quartz Star, CoF(x2), Anteian Cross

Mal'ari'carun: Dark Cross (Go me!!!)

Praxis: Crescent with Topaz Star, Dark Cross

William Darkfire: Dark Fire

Zaroth: Legion of the Scholar, Dark Cross

Zaxen: Crescent with Amethyst Star, Grand Cross of the Dark Side


APP Ra Koth: Make sure you guys congratulate him on his promotion to Novice. Way to go!

Jade: Guys, I hope you all give it up big time to your Rollmaster. I know she's been working towards this for quite a while, and this week she got her wish. Make sure you all congratulate Jade on her promotion to Krath Arch Priestess!!!

Shadow Academy

Zaroth: Wiki Basics, Lightsaber Studies

Joseph Skirata: History of the Sith Empire III

William Darkfire: History of the Sith Empire III, Old Republic History

Ekeia Iclo: Old Republic History

CriticaL: Old Republic History


Nothing here. Why are you being so lame? Go kick some ass in the ACC!

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        Derev and I have started revamping the wiki pages for HMR. Go check them out on the DB wiki!

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What'd we learn this week, boys and girls?

<li>News Medals are awesomesauce!</li>

<li>Zaxen kicked serious ass in the feud, and got himself a huge shiny for it!</li>

<li>The Naga Sadow Times is gonna be kickass!</li>

<li>Jade+KAP > Your Face! </li>

Don't be lame...go write for the wiki! It helps your House, your Clan, and it helps you (through shinies, sometimes!). Do it, do it now!


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