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~October 30th, 2008, 29 ABY~
Two weeks as Rollmaster led Robin to understand what some of the previous Rollmasters went through. She had implemented her own system but had not worked out all the details yet. Running frantically into her office, pushing past all the piles of paper work she had gathered over the two weeks, Hawk was driven nuts by the fact that she couldn't find her report. "All this effort to keep organized and I go and lose the damn report. If only I still had the K-Y27 protocol droid Prajna Berkana gave me." The droid came in quite useful when she was the assistant to the Ward of the South, but alas during the Independent Games, the droid was lost and unfortunately it hasn't been placed on the priorities list of things to be found.
Her report was going to be three days late if she didn't get it in tonight. Though she kept looking and eventually came across it under an old parchment. She was confused as to how it got there. "Yes, I found it! Finally." Plopping herself in her office chair and looking through it for any last minute changes. She was shocked to see how much there has happened
in the last 2 weeks. Medals, promotions, Shadow Academy courses and something that really excited her, two new recruits. Not only have they both actively started their way to become outstanding members, they are both female.
Unfortunately Robin tried to get Reiden promoted to Dark Jedi Knight, the same time as Melvin. Though she understands how busy the Clan and House summit have been with the change over.
You all rock! Keep up the great work. This house and its members, including the House summit, make me feel very proud to be a member of Dorimad Sol. You are all showing our three new recruits how we are the best house by being active, active active.
Because Xathia departed CSP, for unknown reasons, Knight followed suit and they both joined Arcona. Shortly thereafter Tritus d'Tana left as well. What the heck is going on?! We are loosing people left, right and center. I don't like this, you shouldn't like this and we have to do something about it. (see recruitment comp)
**_ _**
Shuan Waott- Recruited none other by our own NiHiL.
<li>**Amritsu Van** - Recruited by myself. </li>
<li>**Anarya Elvendar** - Recruited from Rogue Korvyn, plus some aide from yours truly.</li>
Yeah! More females in the House. Watch out men. ;)
This list just went on and on. Great job all. **
<li>**Thran Occasus
***1st place Dark Tides: IRC RP - Crescent with Amethyst Star
*2nd place Dark Tides: Run-On Event - Crescent with Sapphire Star
*3rd place overall Dark Tides - Crescent with Sapphire Star
*3rd place in JO/JA - Crescent with Quartz Star
*3rd Place Overall in the Combat Drills - Crescent with Topaz Star
*Gaming Nights = 9 CFs
*Total CFs Awarded = 14 </li>
***3rd place Dark Tides: What if - Crescent with Emerald Star</li>
<li>**Robin Hawk
***2nd place Dark Tides: Fiction Topic - Crescent with Sapphire Star
*Gaming Nights = 19 CFs
*Total CFs Awarded = 24 </li>
<li>**RenNi Tyron
***2nd Place in Tools and Spare Parts competition - Crescent with Topaz Star**
***Gaming Nights** = ** = 9 CFs**
***Total CFs Awarded = 11 </li>
<li>Reiden Karr
*2nd place in JO/JA - Crescent with Topaz Star
*2nd place in BF/BF2 - Crescent with Topaz Star
*2nd place overall in the Combat Drills - Crescent with Emerald Star
*ICTE of 25 October = 1 CFs
*Gaming Nights = 22 CFs
*Total CFs Awarded = 37 </li>
<li>Angelo Dante
*1st Place in JO/JA - Crescent with Emerald Star
*1st place in BF/BF2 - Crescent with Emerald Star
*1st place overall in Combat Drills - Crescent with Sapphire Star
*ICTE of 25 October = 5 CFs
*Gaming Nights = 34 CFs
*Total CFs Awarded = 56
*ICTE of 25 October = 8 CFs
*Total CFs Awarded = 10
<li>Prajna Berkana
*1st place in Tools and Spare Parts Competition - Crescent with Emerald Star
*Gaming Nights = 9 CFs</li>
<li>Nihil Zayne
*Third PLace in Tools and Spare Parts Competition - Crescent with Quartz Star </li>
Yes I know. There are a lot of numbers and I hope I got my count right. Good job overall.
Woohoo! Good job, keep up the great work!**
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RenNi Tyron - Promoted to Novice and then from Novice to Acolyte.
<li>**Shuan Waott** - Promoted to Novice.</li>
<li>**Anarya Elvendar** - Promoted to Novice</li>
I would like to congratulate Melvin who got promoted to Dark Jedi Knight, welcome to the higher ranks of Journeymen. Drinks are on him!
Wow, you all rock the shinizzle. Congrats to all who did a course in the last two weeks. Keep it up and show the other Houses who rocks the band wagon.
<li>Angelo Dante - Freighters and Transports</li>
<li>RenNi Tyron - Brotherhood Basics, IRC Basics, Test of Lore, Obelisk Core </li>
<li>Shuan Waott ** - **Test of Lore, IRC Basics, Brotherhood Basics (100% - Wohoo!) </li>
<li>**Amritsu Van - **Test of Lore</li>
<li>**Anarya Elvendar - **Test of Lore, Brotherhood Basics, IRC Basics</li>
<li>Melvin- Leadership Fundamentals</li>
<li>Reiden Karr- Leadership Fundamentals</li>
If you finish a certain set of courses passing at 85% or higher, you are given the right and honour of getting a Maven. Upon passing the required courses, the following have received such degree.
Yeah Dante! Congrats Ol'Man.
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</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
<th width="50%" scope="col">MASTER</th>
<th width="50%" scope="col">APPRENTICE</th>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
<td><div align="center">Prajna Berkana </div></td><td><div align="center">Tollo</div></td>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
<td><div align="center">Angelo Dante</div></td><td><div align="center">Reiden Karr </div></td>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
<td><div align="center">Ric "Blade" Hunter </div></td><td><div align="center">Tanec Aeire (TBA) </div></td>
Please confirm whether all comps are Approved before proceeding._
<li>[**Combat Drills**](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3856) - Dante's Comp**<strong> - Results Out!</strong>**</li>
<li>[**Tools and Spare parts left behind**](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3868) - Hawk's Comp - **Results Out! **</li>
<li>Korvyn's Pockets, Not just pocket lint - Hawk's Comp** - Due October 30th **(extended to Sunday evening) </li>
<li>Ahh Evil Monsters - NiHiLs DJK trial comp - Due November 3rd</li>
<li>The New Torture Device - Hawk's Comp** - Due November 6th**</li>
<li> [** Jedi Birthday Bashing**](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3861) - Reiden's Comp** - <strong>Results being calculated</strong>**</li>
<li>Halloween Scene! - Thran's Comp - Due November 4th</li>
<li>Save the Halloween Party! - Thran's Comp - Due November 6th</li>
<li>CSP Recruitment Drive - Hawk's Comp - First part due December 1st</li>
<li>Another comp on its way. Currently top secret. - Hawk - *Stay Tuned *</li>
<li>LEGO Dark Brotherhood - Muz Sadow - Due November 30th</li>
<li> There Can Be Only One... - Angelo Dante - *Ends December 15th * </li>
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
~ Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"
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Good job everybody! Keep up the good work :).
yay for more females! =)
Great report Robin a nice recap that filled me in