First off, if you were present during my absolute trash fest on IRC last night, you have my sympathies. If you were on Vent with me, ever more so. This week, we have a lot of new projects hitting the fan. First off, analysis of the Battle-Teams strengths is currently taking place. Well be assessing both to see where we could put some active people, maybe move some people around. I wont bore too much with the politics of it all, but some very nifty things on the horizon.
Real Life: Fiancee and I will be heading to Philly for Thanksgiving, Iowa for Christmas. With the holidays nearing, I was just wondering what other peoples plans were, or what traditions you celebrate. Im so far behind in buying 360 games. I need, FableII, Saints Row II, Fallout3, TFU, MercenariesII, and basically everything in between. Lord of the Rings Online has been holding me down for now. Mines of Moria comes out tomorrow. BOO-YA.
Brotherhood News
--Wiki Tribune and Combat Master Reports out. Go read!
--Shad was chosen as the new Tal Consul.
Arcona News
--The ACC ladder narrows down! Who will win it? Will it be the mighty Sashar? Will Xathia rise up and claim what is hers? Oh yeah, and those Orv and Ninj people too.
--Xathia and Orv are the new Quaestor/Aedile team respectfully. Grats!
--Vorion is having PC troubles, and Wrath of the Lich King JUST came out. XFD suck it WoW fags.
--The Vent server. Get on it. It needs to live for another couple of weeks. Even if you dont have a mic, please come on and get some.
PORT: 54753
Qel-Droma News
I will start leaving most of the promotion news to my second in command, Legorii. Im going to try a new system of reporting, where we dont overlap as much.
Right now, an extremely important trivia is going on right now via email. If you didnt get it, please, PLEASE let me know asap so I can send you a copy and get you a shiny. There are 20 questions, and the top 3 get 3rd level Crescents.
--We have a new Clan Envoy! Primarch Exar Khaland has risen to the job.
Awards and Shadow Academy
--Welcome to the house Jendan! (Hey baby. :P) Methia is also joining us from Ektrosis!
--Drodik leaves for Plagueis. Lol
--Legorii snags a Legion of the Scholar
Important Links
Consul Sashar Arconae: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Proconsul Vorion: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Quaestor Taigikori Aybara: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Aedile Legorii Kryotek: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Closing Thoughts
To my younglings out there. Your promotions are weighed by you, and you alone. Take a look at this new trivia, it will count HEAVILY towards your next promotion, or even merit award. There is a load of competitions running at every single level. I know some of you think theyre ghey, but to get to the higher ranks of DB life, you have to put in your time. Besides, 5 minutes out of your day cant hurt, while having some fun doing it. As always, I recommend getting on IRC and getting in #Arcona to talk with your clan mates. Dont forget to check out Vent as well. And now, I bring you ASCII.
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-Dark Jedi Knight Taigikori Aybara
Quaestor of Qel-Droma of Arcona
Special Magistrate to the Headmaster
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