Report time<p>
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So, What have we been doing? Lots of stuff, but since so much of it is involved with the secret GJW stuff, we can't really talk about it. What I can tell you is to watch the news site for fictional update stuff leading up to the war, and that we'll have a nice treat for you around the holidays (not counting the Herald-style Hanukkah stuff i talked about last time). It's been eating up our time pretty good, and we're pretty sure you'll dig it.<p>
As far as the new character sheet stuff, Jac will be taking down the site for a few days next week to upgrade them, and bring over some things from the beta site. So it's a planned outage, not an SQL injector attack. Jac has the site set pretty well defended against that sort of thing. Also, watch for some cool order perks to pop up when the site comes back, in addition to the sweet CS stuff. <p>
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Kaek asks: There's a lot of confusion about power scale in the DB. Is there a reference to show what the ranks mean in movie terms? Also, what about people that are the same rank?<p>
That's a good question. As far as comparing our ranks to the films, we have a solid reference on our wiki here. Note that this is for the films, so it doesn't really work with the eu stuff, so keep that in mind. As far as people that are the same rank, the way we look at it is first at positioned members. Fictionally, an active member has more access to things that would increase his power than a 'retired' or non-positioned member would. Given equal status as far as position, then we'd look at medals and finally time in as a yardstick. However, rank ultimately decides where that character is... a Pontifex with a crapload more medals than a DA is not stronger than that DA. So yeah, it's complicated. :P <p>
Shadow asks: How do I get custom robes?<p>
You don't. Currently, custom robes are on hold due to a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the amount of time that each item takes. HOWEVER, on excessively rare occassions, there will be a competition, from myself or Shikyo (the herald) which will give away a grant of custom robes to the first place winner in addition to whatever medals are involved. (shameless plug: my Madness competition which is such a robes-winning comp, ends tonight at midnight) These comps are really rare, and if you want in on it, you have to strike when the iron is hot, or sit around until another one comes around. I think there's only been one other comp in the last year.<p>
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And that's all for this time. Any questions, or anything i can help with, pm me on IRC or shoot me an email. Have fun!<p>
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This is a small report...in fact...nothing was really reported. =/
Has some cheese with his whine.
Second image link is broken.
It's actually a GIF: http://keibatsu.artofwarcentral.com/reportstuff/greetingcard.gif