Aedile Report


Aedile Report

The heavy boots of the Kraken Regiment were very loud as the boarded their different transports, all but a small detatchment headed off to join the Clan's forces as it prepared for War. The XO stood there nervously, rather unhappy about being sent out on this mission without her CO, but resigned to do the best she could. The regiment respected her because they respected him, and she had kicked their asses several times. Tra'an emerged from the heavily modified YT-2550 that had served as his personal ship since the theft of his Brayyl class freighter at the hands of that traitor of a Zabrak. Libra snapped into rigid military form, saluting him as he approached, finding that she was leaning into the military way of life.

A rare smile spread across his face as he picked up his XO, twirling her in an embrace before kissing her and setting her back on her feet. "I trust that you will do well leading our forces while I am away. I need this time to rest and prepare for the Retaking of Antei. The men trust you. Listen to your NCO's, and don't hesitate to kick ass if anyone acts foolishly. Lead My forces to Victory, and many good things shall be yours." She smiled and saluted, beforing turning around and loping off to join the Regiment on its flight to the headquarters of Acclivis Draco.

Turning on his own heel, the R-9 unit that supplemented his auto-nav, warmed up his ship so that it could make the trans-continental crossing to the southern region. There, Tra'an would spend two weeks in the Forgotten Temple, replenishing his ocntact with the Dark Side.


Personal Business

Due to complications in real life, with finals approaching, as well as myriad other obligations, I am taking a two week LOA effective tomorrow. I won't be on IRC, anwsering emails, or performing any other duties. I leave you in the capable hands of Timbal and Kalak while I'm away. At least I needn't bother with you lot stealing my liquor supplies, seeing as how I loaded them into my YT 2550 already. Have fun, participate fully, and embrace the Dark Side!


Clan Business

There is an upcoming competition from the Clan Summit. Watch for it. They've put a lot of work into it so that you might enjoy it. Participate fully, and show everyone that HAD is still the #1 house in CSP!

Clan Trivia is every Saturday at 5PM EST/ 10PM GMT in #csptrivia on IRC. I'd like to see more of you there. Two legions of scholar are up for grabs, one for first and one for second. Come on down and show off your fancy knowledge.

There are several new clan competitions going on for the next few weeks, courtesy of Robin Hawk and Thran, so I suggest that you mosey on over to the Competition Page and take a look. Shinys always look good on promo requests.

The Web Site is Going Down for Maintenance sometime this week for about 48 hours. Don't panic, it's Jac doing what Jac does best, making our lives better with coding awesomeness. Remember, when the site is down, the Wiki is UP, so take the time to bookmark the wiki and work on your wiki pages while the site is down. Mine is earmarked for personal overhaul sometime after I get back from LOA. I suggest you take a look at some of the featured articles, and chat with Rev on IRC about how to improve your page. Also, you can ask Impetus, politely mind you, and she'll be gald to help too if she's available.


House Business

No not that House, though Hugh Laury is an excellent actor.

A big shout out and welcome to Impetus M'nar Palpatine, for returning home. We also welcome her Mistress and person extraordinaire, Eludajae M'nar. The Keepers of Lore are wonderful assets to the clan and we're glad to have them within our ranks once more.

Timbal's comp ends tonight, so get in your tragically funny death of Colnel Earnie for a shot at shiny goodness.

The House Summit is pushing for activity. A new comp will be popping up in the next few weeks to encourage you to get on IRC and grab our attention. Keep an eye out for it.



DJK Tra'an Reith (Obelisk)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: INI]

AC / DC / BN / Cr-3A-1S-5E-3T-1Q / DSS-BL / SoL / LS-AgL / S:-4Rm-8P

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