Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

 Hey all!! Well we are heading into another end of a year.  Full of Candy Canes, Silver Lanes and those reindeer, one in particular that I am sure Macron had a hand in creating, you know the one whose nose glows.  I mean come on you could so tell it must have been a bet.  On some drinking night, someone walks up to Macron, empty bottle of Sadow in his hand. “Ya well…you think your so great, bet you can’t make a reindeers nose glow.”  And thus the competition started!  Next thing you know he will be making magic hats that allow snowmen to talk!    

  But as such a lot of stuff is going on both in the DB and RL, here is a run down of some of the things you can sink your eggnogged teeth into;  

Clan run on

Competitions up the Sleigh Bell


Naga Sadow Times

Mail Alaric and Bob on getting into this, its fun and a great way to show you’re around.

  There is always something going on and I know more is heading around the corner!! Not to mention the GJW!  For those of you who haven’t been through it before it a wild ride and lots of fun!  

  There is also a new Clan activity guide out that is very important. For this you MUST do ONE activity AT LEAST in 30 days to remain in Naga Sadow.  Now before you all go whining that it’s too hard, it really isn’t. Granted we all like to hang out as well, technically this club is based on activity as well as networking.   All your summit is asking you to do is either so some SA courses, do a comp, run a comp, participate in the Run ons going on, etc.  Really it’s not that hard and it’s easy to find simple comps out there!

 And now on to the report as promised after my first final!  And its long so have fun!!  


We are very fortunate to have 3 new members welcomed into Marka Ragnos. Please stop by to say hello!

APP Randor has recently transferred into Marka Ragnos! Welcome! We look forward to bringing you all the way to Dark Jedi Knight!

APP Kral Morth has also joined our ranks! Welcome to Marka Ragnos!! I know I for one take great interest in your training.

APP Lightigeous welcome to Marka Ragnos, we are honoured you could be apart of our house.

Clan Plot

And incase you didn’t get the link above, don’t forget about the Clan run on! You can find it here:


Ekeia Iclo received 2 Crescents with Topaz Stars

Ekeia Iclo received a Crescent with Sapphire star

Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia received 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars

Raven received 3 Cluster of Fires

Raven received a Crescent with Sapphire star

Raven received a Legion of the Scholar

Mal'ari'carun received a Dark Cross

Jades “Imperial” Atema received 11 Cluster of Fires

Jades “Imperial” Atema received a Crescent with Topaz Star

Jades “Imperial” Atema received a Legion of the Scholar

Jades “Imperial” Atema received a Crescent with Sapphire star

AWESOME!!! Keep it up guys and Gals!!!

Sadow Academy

Kalei Basai passed Khar Shian: Leadership Studies

Kyrath Amaranthi passed Onderon: Sith Core

Ekeia Iclo passed Khar Shian: Leadership Studies

Ekeia Iclo passed Khar Shian: Leadership Fundamentals

Ekeia Iclo has received her Dark Maven in History! Awesome job!

Awesome job everyone! Keep reaching for the ultimate dark side knowledge.


Non this week. Get out there and Challenge people. ESPECIALY Derev! He still remains undefeated in the ACC by anyone in CNS! So come on, take him on, se if you can beat his record!


None this week.


  The follow are just a few highlights from our house that you can take part in. Alaric is cooking up a GIANT competition for you all to do so look for that as well.  Otherwise head on over to the Dark Brotherhood Main Site for Competitions to poke around for ones to do!!  

  Also those of you who did my recent competitions you medals are in the mail! And Congrats!!  

RM Symbol

The Roll Master need a symbol, something to place on the door, add to repots, etc. Come up with a symbol. It must contain House Marka Ragnos logo somewhere in it. Be creative. The most original wins and will be added to my reports and even to my wiki.


   Our Quaestor received a coded message. Upon looking at it he realized he needed another pair of eyes. Knowing you have experience in decoding he has called you to his office.  

    Write fiction of how you decoded the message and what the message says. Make sure you point out how you get out of Derev's office after reading the message. Are you warned not to tell anyone? Do you escape and hope he forgets about you?  

    2 pages 12 point TNS font.  

    Include your Dossier #  

Draw That Item!

Derev recently held a competition to decide the item that would be placed on the ruins of the old Ragnos Cathedral as a memorial. Now that the item has been decided, it's time to draw it! "Left amongst the ruins of Ragnos Cathedral there was one item that seemed to be placed there with a purpose. One thing that did not look as though it had been destroyed along with the Cathedral. Lying in the center of ruins is what looked like a lightsaber, although it wasn't. As one moved closer, the hilt of the lightsaber seemed to be comprised of many different pieces, none of which were meant to fit together. This was a

monument, left behind to remember those whom had lost their lives during the Great Battle of Kar Alabrek; pieces of each of their lightsabers, fused together to form one single non-working lightsaber hilt. Each small piece had the initials of whom owned that particular lightsaber before it was turned into a small piece. This is what remained intact in the middle of the Ragnos Cathedral ruins." Using the description given by Kalei, create a picture of the item. Remember, even if it looks awesome, if it isn't a picture of the chosen item, it can't win!

End Date: 12/12/2008

Unit in Competition: House Marka Ragnos

Send to William Darkfire

Macron's Newest Alchemy Experiment

Macron has recruited you to help him with his latest alchemy experiment. He has placed you in charge of mixing up the chemical ingredients before he uses his skills to transform them into an object for his secret project. To successfully mix up the chemicals you must make the all the globs one color however you only have 25 tries with each mixture before the globs go kaboom. If and when you fail take a screen shot and send it me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Top three scores will win crescents. Ties will be dealt with by time of entry.

End Date: 12/10/2008

Unit in Competition: House Marka Ragnos

Send All Entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Work on upgrading this program is being done, look for updates soon!


ALL masters must email me by Wednesday of EACH WEEK with an update on their student.

The Master Student Pairings that we currently have are as follows.

Master Student(s)

DJM Astronicus Aurelius Sadow


DJM Shan Long

Nero Pennant

SBM Shikyo

Ekeia Iclo, Tritherus

DP Muz Keibatsu Sadow

Zaroth Kalikrayye, Praxis

SBM Derev Niroth


KP Jades "Imperial" Atema

Teu, VanWyck

KPN Shin'ichi Keibatsu Sadow

Nassin Zye

SBM Ashura Isradia

Joseph Skirata, Kalei


Hurry back we aren’t a team when we are missing members.

JH Teu

JH Kalei Basai Until 12/14/2008

Jade in Real Life

  Yes surprisingly I have one!  This past week has really be stressful, two term papers due, and cramming for a final for Thursday were all crammed into one, and class don’t get over until today.  After Which I still have two finals left.  

  Other then that I haven’t been doing a lot as I have been shut up in my room trying to make sure I knew my Biochemistry and the likes, oh the joys of university!  


 As you can see there is LOTS going on that you can take part in, and some new changes in the works in how things will be done.  All exciting and leading us into a new year.  The Great Jedi War is coming up so prepare yourselves for that ride, and have fun with what is being put out.  There are lots of competitions and the Clan Run On is also fun to get into!  

  And as you all prepare for Christmas and the Holidays, have a great time and stay safe!!  

   As always my door is open so feel free to reach me anytime, either on IRC or gmail, or email me at   

KAP Jades "Imperial" Atema (Krath)/RM/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

SC / AC-ToDS / DC-SP / Cr-3A-1S-22E-18T-5Q / CF / DSS-BL / LS / S:-6D-6P


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