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Report 5** - December 11, 2008 - 29 ABY
_With an arm load of gear, sample containers and datapads almost falling from her grasp, Hawk pushed her way through the castles garden main doors. She paused, closed her eyes and took in a big breath of warm air. She was glad to be home after her expedition, having helped retrieved a Water Cyc for Caliburnus and a couple of Dart Flowers> for herself. Making her way to an empty bed, she inspected the gardens that she passed and was glad to know that Reiden and her new Apprentice, RenNi, had taken good care of it.
Kneeling beside the bed, the Rollmaster took out one of Dart Flowers, of which was 'asleep' and planting it directly in one of the beds. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed RenNi approaching>. "Welcome home, Master," he said with a bow. "If you have not been already, there is something on your desk."
Greeting her Apprentice with a responsive nod she said:"Thank you RenNi and thank you for taking care of the garden while I was away. You and Reiden did a fantastic job." Handing him a watering container. "Do you mind watering this Dart Flower __for me?" Grabbing the other sample container she turned away and headed towards the entrance to the lab. "And remember. 'Please be wary, plants are our friends, until they bite back.' " Just as she finished her sentence she heard an "Ow" and then a body collapsing, which could only mean that the Dart Flower had regained some of its alertness from coming out of cryogenic state. The poison in the dart it launched could normally kill a mid sized being, the fact that it hit a young force user, though still the potential of being killed, was lessened by the fact that the poison in the dart hadn't recovered to its full potency.
"I will check on him in a bit," she said going through the automatic doors to the lab. "I am sure he will be fine."After placing the other sample in the freezer, she went to her office located at the other end of the lab. To her surprise the new name plates had come in. Holding them up she read out loud "Cluaran Leana," smirking a bit. How appropriate."
I have an ongoing project in the works. You will be seeing small evidence of it in the next couple of months and another that is super secret. ;) It has been a busy last couple of weeks, more I sense is on its way. Prepare yourselves for the Great Jedi War and coming soon a feud.
I would like to announce that the following have a new character sheet approved;
Wow, what am I to say. I hate to admit this again, but I have done nothing in regards to that fan film...nada, zip. I think that shows how busy I have been with DB stuff.
Shinies, shinies, all around. Thanks for helping name my Garden all. It was a tough decision, like I took it to dinner with me when my bf and I went out.**
<li>Legion of Scholar
*Solus Gar - Hosting CSP Trivia 11/30/08</li>
HDS Competition Entries
<li>Arx Ondorii Garden Name
*1st - Korvyn Elvendar- Crescent with Emerald Star
*2nd - Angelo Dante- Crescent with Topaz Star
*3rd - Nihil Zayne - _Crescent with Quartz Star
OTHER HDS PARTICIPANTS (Reiden Karr, RenNi Tyron, Prajna Berkana, Kosk dTana, Anarya Elvendar, Solus Gar, Maximus Raidoner) _</li>
CSP Competition Entries
<li>Consul Phoenix's Retirement Party (not processed yet, because of site upgrades)**
***1st - Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana - Crescent with Sapphire Star</li>
Competetions have been limited while the Summit has been preparring for the upcoming fued. I still encourage the Journeyman to submit their competition(s), upon approval of House Summit, in reference to thier tasks for promotion.
I was about to write that there were no promotions these last two weeks. Though to my surprise, one appeared in my mail box only yesturday. I would like everyone to congratulate **Prajna Berkana in becoming a Prelate. Congratulations ol'man! Once as Aedile, you had encouraged me and others to be all that we could be, driving encouragement and succesfulness into every inch of our souls. :) Drinks are on me for the next 12 hours. Party hard my friend.
Even with the site currently unoperative, you all managed to keep at the Shadow Academy courses. Looking at the results over the last 2 weeks, it would seem that there was some competition between Prajna and Koskian. I see nothing wrong with that. Journeymen, get out there. See if you can compete to be the best Journeyman in our fine House.
<li>Prajna Berkana - Conflict Mediation (100) & Weapons Basics (100) - Wohoo</li>
<li>Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana - ACC Initiates (100) & Leadership Fundamentals (100) - WTG!</li>
<li>Solus Gar - Poetry - Sorry dude, I know you got this awhile ago, but it got lost in my email. Delayed congrats!</li>
<li>Maximus Raidoner - Starfighter Studies, Weapons Basics, Wiki Basics - He's back and in action. Great job.</li>
<li>Tollo - Force Philosophy - Great job (may I suggest you work on your Leadership courses next) </li>
<li>Matt Adler - Training Saber, General Leadership, Leadership Fundamentals (only 2 more to go)</li>
<li>Luke Morin - IRC Basics </li>
Set yourself a goal. Aim to do at least one Shadow Academy course a week. If you are really really busy, as we all are, aim to answer 5 questions a week. My goal has changed :P . Like your Quaestor, my ultimate goal is to complete all available courses. Journeymen, please note, the Shadow Academy occasionally brings back some of the currently unavailable courses, I have heard word that the next will be in January . Do them while you can.
If you finish a certain set of courses passing at 85% or higher, you are given the right and honour of getting a Maven. Upon passing the required courses, the following have received such a degree;
<table width="298" border="0" cellpadding="1"><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td width="56%" scope="col">MASTER</td><td width="44%" scope="col">APPRENTICE</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td>
Prajna Berkana
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td>
Ric "Blade" Hunter
Tanec Aeire (TBA)
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td>Robin Hawk </td><td>RenNi Tyron</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td>Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana </td><td>Anarya Elvendar</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2"> </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">*Apprentices needing Masters
or Waiting to become Protector *</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Amritsu Van</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Shuan Waott</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Dak Onasi</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Telka</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Luke Morin </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Voltus</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="2">Matt Adler</td></tr></table>
Please confirm whether all comps are approved before proceeding._
<li>Song of the Battlefield - Robin Hawk - Due December 19th</li>
<li>Last of the Dark Jedi - Koryn Thraagus - *Due December 21st *</li>
<li>Article Stimulus Package - Reiden Karr - ** Due Dec 31st**</li>
<li>Proconsul's Monthly Fiction **(see email) - Thran Occasus - Due Dec 31st **</li>
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
~ Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"
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